back at hexside

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Matt's pov

   I wake up to my mom shaking my shoulder hard and yelling at me to get up. "MATTHOLOMULE. this is the third time i have had to come in and wake you up." she said while pintching the brige of her nose causing her skin to wrinkle." you don't want to be late to your first day back at hexside do you?" staring at me with one eyebrow raised. "HEXSIDE? IM GOING BACK TODAY?!" i say finally waking up."  you said I was going back on monday?"
Mom sighed while walking out of the room steping over the clothes and water bottles that make up 80% of the floor. " it IS monday, and you uniform is in the closet...get ready NOW!" she demands while slaming my door shut. " i can't belive i have to go to hexside AGAIN!!" i say muttering under my breath as I change into my construction track unifrom. After I finish getting ready I head down to my kitchen and grab a blood bar to eat on the way( demon realm verson of a granola bar)

As i walk to school I see some of the students from glandis (idk how its spelt) bullying another kid who seemed to be a part of the illionist track which is probly the reason their getting bullied.
    "I use to think that illions were just some dumb party tricks but after some dork saved me with it, i guess i changed my mind" i think still keeping my head down and kicking small dirt covered pebles while mubbling under my breath about how school is stupid or somthi- * bump* "ow" i say while looking up to who i bumped into.
    they were wearing and illionist track uniform. "AUGUSTUS?!" i say while jumping back. " oh hey matt... are you coming back to hexside?" he says in a slightly happy tone while opening his eyes wide. he has dark blue eyes that sparkle almost in the sunlight and his- "wait what? why and i thinking this?" i say in my head while answering augustus's question. " um.. yeah" i say looking down at his shoes then back up again. "cool!" he says while smiling big. " are you going to take anyother tracks?" "other tracks?" i say confused. " yeah you're aloud to take more then one track now!" "oh, well i'll think about it I guess." I walk to the office to get my scedual and see pricable bump. i walk up to him to ask about the multiple tracks thing and to see if i could join the Illion track too. he looks at me suprised but says "yes , of corse." befor transforming the sleeves of my brown uniform into light blue.

    I walk into my first class and with just my luck i see Augustus looking out the window balacing a pen on his finger "ah, matttholomule welcom to my class" the teacher says walking over to me and pointing to the seat next to agustus's " you'll be sharing the table with gus, hes top of the class so i hope he'll help you catch up!" the teacher says with a smile. I walk over to the table and as i pull the chair out to sit down augustus turns around and gives me a small smile and says "hey." he looked kind of tired unlike when i bumped in to him outside, i shrugged it off and said "hi" back and turned to face the teacher. my face felt red and hot which was kinda weird... all i said to him was hi and thats it, why would i be feeling like this? do I- NO NO NO NO ABSOULTLY NOT!! why do i keep thinking of this? i must just be tired cause i went to sleep at like 1am.

Gus's pov

     i was looking out the window waiting for class to start, contumplating if i should put an illion in my place and just skip class. I hear a chair slide on the ground which was weird cause ive always sat alone, I turned around to see who it was and it was MATTHOLOMULE?! "thats weird" i thought to myself thought he hated illions and that they were just "dumb party tricks" then i rember the one time at the illionist grave yard were i saved him. i give him a small smile and say "hey." his eyes open wide and he says "hi" back quickly and turns so hes facing the teacher, his face is red but i shrug it off. and before i have a chance to ecape class the bell rings and the teacher begins.

     Blah blah blah illions, eliment of surprise,should only be used for good, blah blah blah ive all hear it before so i just put my head down. half way through class matt taps me on the shoulder " uh... we have to fill out this sheet then hand it into the teacher" he says passing me the paper " thanks" i say grabing it from him. I start filling it out at a resonalble pace. im on question 5 when i look up to see matt stuggling a bit which makes scence scince its only his first day in the illoion track. i move my chair closer to him and ask if he needs any help "yeah" he says while moving his paper inbetween us so that i can see it. he smiles at me slightly and then we begin.

Matt's pov

    "illions dont make scence" i think to myself trying to pay atention as best as posible. "ok class." the teacher says while liking a finger and handing out papers. "aug, i hate when they do that it so gross." i think while reluctonly grabing the two papers at the end "this is a pretty simple work sheet but you with have to the end of class to get it dont" the teacher says while walking back to his desk. I see gus with his head still down and i tap on his shoulder, he looks up at me. "uh... we have to fill out this sheet then hand it back to the teacher." i say while passing him a paper. "thanks" he says while grabing the paper.

     he writes his name then gets straight to work i watch for a while then finally get to work... well i try to get to work but im stuck on question 2. I hear gus's chair move closer to mine "need any help?" he says while cocking his head to the right a little." yeah" i say while moving the paper closer to him.
    "ok so casting and illion is the same as any other spell but making it be able to touch objects is a little diffent-" he continues to help me though the questions making sure i understand each one which is sweet,  I MEAN I HATE IT AND ITS DUMB.
     but inbetween each question i just keep staring at him even when he wasnt talking analizing every feature on his face his lips are two toned with the top lip being the same color as his skin and his bottom lip is a pink-ish carmel color, his eyes were a deep ocean blue almost grey, his skin looked soft "matt" with a bit of acne  "Matt" hear and there "MATT" gus said while shaking my shoulder.
    "Huh, sorry i spaced out for a bit" i say rubing the back of my neck while avoiding eye contact with him. " its fine" gus says while looking me up and down " we only have one question left do you.. still need help?" he asks with a sincere sounding voice " i look at the paper then back at him "no" i say "Alright" he nods while moving his chair back and continues to work on his paper we get done at simallar times so i take his paper up for him. as i walk back to are table he slams his head on the desk and mubbles something under his breath consisting of the words "stupid, hate,school,and shit" the bell rings about 5 minutes later and we head out of the class before gus turns the corner to go to his locker i say " see you at lunch" while waving at him " see you at lunch Mattie~" he waves to me while walking away leaving me suprised. I know hes called me that before but that was when we weren't really friend. are we... friend  ?

YO THIS WAS FUN AS HELL TO WRITE!! hope you guys like it as much as i do tell me if its to slow pls<3

just friends? ~ gustholomule tohWhere stories live. Discover now