
11 3 6

(Trigger Warning: Dark themes, fear of the unknown, death mention, etc.)


Things just got better.

Why am I feeling so useless?

Something is out of place.

It just has to be something there that's not right.

Nothing is visible to me, and yet it's all there in front of me.

The truth has to be under their lies.

They hide inside of their battered hearts.

So deep that you can only see half of my false grin.

Do they actually care about someone like myself?

Or do they just want me for their darkest desires?

The bodies of the lost are covered in fingerprints of the past.

Removable yet permanent.

One's head will be full of disgusting and almost vile thoughts

Pretending is never an option, but they do it anyway.

They don't care, they think they do.

That is until they push you to your absolute limit.

The feeling of disgust fills my lungs,

It's choking me like a noose that won't let go.

Its hands wrap around my frail neck, threatening to kill something that's already dead.

The feeling of dread fills my head again.


(A//N: So thinking about some things led me to write this, it's a bit dark but I can't really ignore how I'm feeling without pushing myself to my breaking point. To be honest, it was sorta fun to write this, so I hope you enjoyed reading this messy poem. Besides that, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night ~ 💜)

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