Chapter 1 | Another Case

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Hi there! I'm Nicole, cousin of Alyssa. This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic, and I am super excited! I've finally been able to complete the very first chapter of "A Soldier I Will Be"! I'd like to thank KZOMBI3 for helping me with so much of this fanfic! She helped me write most of this chapter. :) She's amazing! Go check out her stories!
If you want to see any outfits from this story, I will be posting most if not all on my polyvore account. You can find my polyvore username on mine and Alyssa's profile.
Hope you all enjoy the first chapter!
The night was alive with bustling people, making their way through the small throng of others that lined the sidewalks and park benches. The heavy down pour had let up and instead the sky began to sprinkle on the little bodies that roamed the city. Those unprepared expected to change into a nice set of dry, warm clothes when they arrived home. A small band of young women emerged from the local cinema, laughing and filling the chilly air with their conversations.
"Ugh, I'm starving! Let's go stop by the cafe shoppe down off Bakers." One suggested.
The others agreed and all began to head to the aforementioned hot spot. What they didn't realize was that something, or someone was lurking in the shadows. Always within reach.
One of the girls turned around and looked behind them out of the corner of her eyes, getting the chilled feeling one gets when someone's staring. A pit formed in her stomach. Something was there. Watching. Waiting. But what was it? She couldn't place a finger on it. The other girls noticed their friend's jumpy behavior and turned as well to ask what was on her mind.

She shook her head, "I'm not sure. I think someone's following us..." She trailed off.
"Are you sure?"

She nodded and pointed towards the nearest alley opening, where there was a potential someone or thing could use as a hiding place. One of the girls, the taller one of the three, gently moved past the other two and made her way to the opening of the alley. As she got closer the other two squealing in discomfort. She rolled her eyes and called back for them to be quiet and shut their mouths. She got closer and closer, not seeing anything inside the concreted hallway. Nothing except trash cans and dumpsters, a few empty boxes and cans. But there was movement. She jumped a little but continued on. She needed to make sure that nothing hurt her or her friends... or followed them home.
Creeping forward some more she treaded lightly, also making sure she didn't disturb any of the sleeping and eating homeless that called that alley home. She didn't want to start anything. She just wanted to make sure. Curiosity, right?

As she made her way further into the alley she looked more to where that rustling came from. It wasn't any of the people there. They weren't paying any mind to whatever it was. Closer and closer she came to the pile of trash and cloth. Did she dare touch something so dirty? It was for a good reason right? She bit back her fear and tightened it up as she reached forward to grab and pull away the fabrics laying there.

As soon as she moved it, just an inch, a giant rat, the color of the night and the size of a professional basketball players sneaker, jumped out and ran between her legs; scurrying to the opposite ends of the corridor. She jumped back in fear and didn't realize that she screamed - even just a little. A hand to her heart, she could feel the speed at which it was beating. That's the last time she tries to be curious about something that could kill her or her friends.

"Nope. I'm just going to stick to heading to the cafe and eat my pastries and leave the worrying to Madison..." She grumbled under her breath and she quickly made her way back to where she left her friends. "Ugh. I can't believe I listened to you, and went in that... ugh, place. It was dark and gross and dirty people. Not to mention, your little paranoia was just a rat. A big, fat, dirty rat!" She continued to rant and rave until she stood next to them.

Realizing what was in front of her, she released a blood curling scream that caused everyone in the area to come to her aid and see what was the cause of the horrified woman. The taller woman crashed to her knees and cried profusely staring at the two bodies that were once her friends. Torn clothing and flesh, gashes and bruises already forming on their otherwise perfect bodies. Hair a mess and in no sort of order. She was only gone a few minutes. Only a few minutes. Minutes...

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