Violins In The Window

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What does one do when one is not noticed? Should we just stay in the background and refuse to make eye contact with passerby's? Because really, what is the point? When the one person that you loved so dearly didn't even know you exist, how do you go about that? Do you go around moping or try to forget them? Either way, it wouldn't be helpful. Moping is no way to spend the Christmas holiday and trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone that you've never met.  It's impossible.

Trinity gazed at a violin in a little corner shop. She had worked her fingers to the bone sewing in that factory just to get enough money for the violin. All she had to do now was walk into Benjamin Bates Music Shop and purchase it. Nevertheless, Trinity stood there, gazing at the instrument, working up the courage to go through with her plans. But did she really need the violin? She could use the saved up money to bring home food for her family. Her father had been laid off work and her mother very well couldn't support the family by just washing clothes. Trinity was stumped.

Just behind the young woman stood a young man, broad-shouldered and handsome, he was as well eyeing the violin. And Trinity. He noticed the wave of her dark hair, the curve of her neck. Her very essence gave him great joy. Felix Stanbery had admired Trinity Adams from afar ever since her first saw her in the local park feeding the birds months ago. He knew that she enjoyed tea with only one spoon of sugar. He knew that she enjoyed the winter season despite her unfortunately cold home. And he knew that she adored the violin and had wanted to learn for quite some time. 

And there he stood, just behind the love of his life. He could reach out and touch her shoulder if he wanted to. He could very well let her know his face. However, he was still too shy. He didn't have enough nerve to speak to her. Felix would have to find a way to give the violin to her discreetly. He would have to find a way to let her know.

Trinity's shoulders slumped. She had decided not to purchase the violin. She knew that the money could be used elsewhere, where it could do some good for others. Music wasn't needed for a person to live a satisfactory life. Trinity didn't need music... But she wanted it.

With a twist of her body, and without looking behind her, Trinity walked down the cobblestoned road and towards her home. Her head hung low in sadness. Felix watched her leave, feeling the same sadness of not seeing her smile. He pounded a fist in his hand; he was going to do it. He was going to buy that violin for her.

Felix swung open the Music Shop's door, causing the overhead bell to jingle, and headed straight to the front counter while removing his cap and clutching it to his chest. He looked around and didn't see Mr. Bates anywhere. What Felix did see was a piano in the far corner with a couple of horns staged beside it. The nice brass shined brightly in the light of the small gas lantern.

"Hello?" Felix called out. "I would like to buy the violin in the window!"

A rustling came from the back room where Mr. Bates no doubt was. The old man grumbled as he slowly made his way to the front of his store. The old man had a beard so white; some of the children in the city had believed him to be St. Nicholas in the flesh. He was a cheery gentleman that always had a smile for everyone who entered his shop. Mr. Bates settled himself on the stool behind the front counter.

"What can I do you for?" Mr. Bates asked.

Felix nodded his head in the direction of the window. "I would like to buy that violin, sir."

"Aint she a beauty?" Mr. Bates stated. "Do you play young man?"

Felix shook his head, "No. But I know a girl who would love to learn."

Mr. Bates eyed Felix knowingly. "Of course is would be for a girl." He got off of his stool and went to go retrieve the instrument. "She's lucky to have a young man like you at her side."

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