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"Hello. My name is Edwin. I am your new travel companion! Where are we going next?


"Paris? Cool cool. But might I make a suggestion? You have traveled an awfully long way, perhaps first a relaxing bath? It can be our first adventure together!"

"That doesn't sound like a half bad idea!" The traveler picks up Edwin and heads to the bathroom. A bath is already drawn in the luxurious tub. The weary traveler sets Edwin on thick layer of bubbles makes it so Edwin doesn't even sit in the water.

"See this is exactly what you need! Come join me!"

The traveler strips and climbs into the tub. The temperature is perfect. The bubbles soft like velvet. Slowly sinking deeper into a relaxed state as they sink into the tub.

"That towel roll is warmed! It would be perfect to use a pillow!"

The traveler agrees and grabs the towel roll. It relaxes all the muscles in their neck, ones they didn't even realize we stiff from the flight.

"Edwin, you are my favorite. This is exactly what I needed!"

"I am so glad you like it! We could order some room service! A mimosa would be like drinking these bubble! It would be free! All the suites I have ever been to have free Champaign or Mimosas!"

The traveler reaches over to grab the phone.
"Hello I am in room 666, I would love to have a mimosa. Could I please order one?"

"We will send one up immediately. Are you in the bath? We can have a server bring it in directly to you. That way you don't have to get up from the bath."

"Oh that would be lovely! I don't think I could get up if I tried. I think my muscles have turned to goo." The traveler laughed. "Thank you."

"We will be up presently."

The traveler relaxes back into the bath closing their eyes. "Edwin, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

"Of course it is! We will always be the best of friends! You will accompany me on all my travels!"

The traveler laughs. "I think you have that backwards Edwin! You are coming with me."

"Oh? I don't think so. You are going to be with me."

Suddenly, the traveler feels something grab their ankle and pull them under the bubbles, deeper into the tub. The traveler flails and tries to swim but the force pulling them down is unrelenting. When then hit the bottom of the tub, that is when the see it. A terrifying 10 foot tall version of Edwin leering down at them. That giant bill opens and the traveler is gone.

All the while little Edwin is still sitting on his blanket of bubbles in the bath. A knock alerts him to the arrival of his mimosa.

"Come in!"

An employee dressed in all black robes opens the door. Looking down at the floor, they make their way over to the tub. "Your mimosa my liege. Is there anything else I can do for you this evening?"

"Yes. Carry me to the bed. I am done with my bath."

The employee carries Edwin and his mimosa back to the bedroom. Arranges him comfortably on the bed. "Would you like to watch your shows-"

"Are you new?! Of course you should put on my shows! What's next?! Are you going to ask if you should drain the tub?"

Flinching from the harsh reprimand. "I apologize, my liege. I just wanted to know if you would prefer  your shows or if you would prefer music. I know you have been enjoying "The Goose is Loose" by Zachary Baker. I apologize for my impertinence, my liege."

Taking a sip of his mimosa Edwin paused. "You are forgiven. But I want my shows."

"Very good, my liege." The employee turns on the television, tuning it to classic reruns of Looney Toons featuring Daffy Duck. They turn and retreat to the bathroom. They drain the tub, rinse all the bubbles down the drain, and start scrubbing. They try not to think of what happened here, all the while hearing commentary on how much Edwin hates the "stupid rabbit!" Once finished the employee returns to the bedroom to retrieve the empty glass.

"You. I will require your services again tomorrow night."

"Very good, my liege. I will see you with your drink then. Enjoy your evening."

The employee slowly backs out of the room and shuts the door. They head down to the elevator. Once inside they slide to the floor, burying their face in their hands. They start to sob. The elevator doors open and the manager is waiting.

"How did it go?"

"I... I... I can't keep doing this."

"Oh yes you can! It was the deal you made! You could have had room 666 when you checked in. But noooo, you wanted one on the ground floor. I told you that there would be a cost for that room change. You agreed!"


"Of course he is evil! Why the hell do you think we would just leave a rubber ducky on a guest's bed for free?! Everything has a cost. Just be glad you were not the guest in room 666 when you traveled here."

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