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Centuries ago, The ancients had reached the apex of human advancement.  They had conquered sickness, famine, poverty and had unlocked the very code of their bodies.  To us these beings the ones we today called The Ancients had bodies that were likened in form to the gods of old.  They stood on average 7 foot tall they were lean and with muscles that were 50 percent stronger than our own.  Their bones were laced with materials that made then nearly impossible to break.

They knew nearly nothing of growing old for after adulthood they aged biologically only a day for every year.  Their skin and hair were without defects or scars and nearly impenetrable so that everyone Even the average man was otherworldly handsome, and every woman No matter her station was transcendently beautiful.

If that wasn't enough They could graph technology into their bodies even into their brains so that some could become even more powerful and intelligent.  When if for some strange reason one of them was about to die they could transfer their mines into machines where they could live on in a fashion in a world size Library made of machines.

However, for all their great advances these god-like humans, with all their power and knowledge, could not change their nature for they were human after all.  The ancients destroyed their great civilization in a single day of rage and hatred that we know as, The Day of a Thousand Suns.  There arrogance was so great that the power they unleashed with their poorly understood quantum warheads that the very fabric of reality, space and time was ripped apart.

These ancients' weapons are now just the things of legends but the reality they left behind for us is real enough.

Where once stood great cities of towering, jeweled buildings built in impossible gravity defying shapes and angles were hundreds of millions lived, now there was at best, only shattered ruins or great empty craters.  At the worst end we're the areas we're the bombs had ripped a hole in the world filling the area with a rupture in the very fabric of reality that were gateways to other places.

From these gateways came phenomena that filled our reality with the things of dreams and nightmares, but I digress for you my reader knows this already so what of the Ancients you ask?  Well, the few scattered survivors of this ones grate people that emerged into our world they and the first generation of their young would became the ones we known as the Elders.

The Elders tried their best to pick up and started to rebuild and in time and as the generations passed new cities, were built but so much of their knowledge and learning an so power was lost and so the successors of the Elders hoping to hang on to their power gathered in the far north and they built a mighty kingdom, but it was not to last and after the fall of their Capital city Arcadia by causes we know not their civilization collapsed.

With the Elder civilization gone more knowledge was lost and there arose from the ashes, a new empire, who looked in to the ancient past or was it the future in places on this strange knew world they were one in the same but were ever the name came from it had power and they called this empire Roma and its grew arose the known world but other Kingdoms there peoples having rejected Roma also arose and the humans started the game all over again, but this time there where new players things of fairytales and nightmares were now alive and very much real.

First to come were the Others, humans to be sure, but with Supernatural abilities in their ranks were counted the likes of Demi Gods, Wizards, Witches, Vampires, and Werewolves and then there were the ones we call the Visitors, the beings from other worlds and places, such as Dragons, Unicorns, Griffins, Dwarves, Elves, Fairies, Goblins, Halflings, Mermaids, and Trolls to name just a few so into this world came them all and it is a time of high adventure.

The Lucian Chronicles Book 1 The Inception
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