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You looked  at the dusty old leather stool you were sitting on.
The leather,  or should I say plastic, was peeling off.
You could now see the rusty orange sponge beneneath the surface.

Your only company was you and your depression.
Now your question might be; 'Why would a good looking girl like you be so sad?' Well, that my friend, is a good story. You had just been through  a horrible break up and are now unemployed.

Yay! Note the sarcasm.

You rubbed your itchy eyes before emerging yourself to be your third cup of Bud Light.

The city lights illuminated outside had distracted you so much you hadn't even noticed an attractive man take a seat on the dusty brown stool next to you.

"Hey there beautiful. What's with the long face?" He chuckled before downing some of his Irish Scotch.

You turned your head to see who this stranger was. Your breath got hitched in your throat slightly when you saw him. Oh no, his hot!, you thought.

He had neatly styled hair, a nice suit, and whiskey eyes that just drew you in. You were instantly hooked on this confident man that approached you.

"Oh, uh," you fumbled around with your words, it seemed so impossible in that moment to form a correct sentence. He gave you a cheeky smile and raised a brow.
You took a deep breath to gather your composure.

"Just been a long day." you said flashing him a crestfallen smile.
He gave you a reassuring look, and for some reason, you felt better.

He placed his hand on your back, and gave it a light pat. "The names Gabriel, but you can call me what ever you want." He said sending you a sly wink.
You blushed and laughed.

"I'm (y/n)." You said with just a hint of a smile. This guy, Gabriel, he was something special, you just knew it, but you had no idea how much so. You let yourself wonder into that thought.

"Hellooo? (Y/n)? Hon ya still there?" He chuckled waving a rough hand in front of your face. You snapped back into the real world and nodded.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm still here," You said waving your arm.

"Well since your back, I think I should buy you a drink, sugar lips? You mind if I call you that? No? Good." He cheered calling over a bartender. You rolled your eyes playfully as a man with with the first two buttons of shirt unbuttoned walked over to you.

He was a funny looking guy. Short, thin, with a button like nose and scruffy hair. "What can I get the love birds?" He said in a husky voice and a smile. His eyebrow was raised as he leaned on the counter.

Gabriel's face lit up. "Just give us your special." The man nodded and started to work on our drinks. You gave Gabriel a 'What the hell' look.
"What?" He said "I mean it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." He cooed looking you up and down.

You just blushed. "Let's see how tonight goes, shall we?" You said as the bartender walked back with your drinks.

(( Alrighty guys here it is! The short sucky first chapter! Yay! It'll get better I promise!!!)))

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