why you should join the furry movement

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Ive met many furrie's and being a proud member of the community myself i can say some of the biggest inspirations of this century are furrie's. For example the top shagger himself david attenbrough is one of the founding farthers of this family as a family is what we are. He inspires the nation dearly with his documentries sharing his interests with animals. For example the uk was shocked when he revealed his celebrity crush Sharon Osbourne. Me,myslef was not schocked at this as have you ever seen a hippapotomus as huge and charasmatic as that milf of a woman? Another inspiration i hold closely in my heart is my sibiling alex. One of my most pridefull moments as a big brother was when I saw them staring at the history and development of chimpanze orgasm. This brought back a overwhelming hit of nostalgia to when they were just a young child when they finally discovered they shared 99 percent of the genetic material as a cow

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