
21 3 10

you know who you are
This is for you.
I love you
like so much
i wanna hug you so much all the time. When we see each other i will hug you For so godamn long you might have to force me off you.
i need you.
so badly.
you saved me.
you comforted me.
you love me. i think
well i love you.

I love the way you look, i love your personality, i love your music taste, i love your cats, i love your interests.
i love you
please don't ever leave me.
i love how some things make you so happy, and seeing you happy makes me even more happy
i love the way it took you several times to confess to me, even though i didn't notice the first two times, i loved the way you got a bit scared and deleted the last sentence of the confession. I saw it, and i swear my heart stopped. and on the 13th of June, you told me. I loved it. i couldn't stop smiling the entire day and i couldn't wait to talk to you.
You are very special to me, because you are the first one i've said "i love you" to other than my parents.
so i'll say it again.
i love you
and i want to see you smile
i want to go on small dates with you :)
so when we see each other,
could we please go on a date?


For them(i had to change the bit in brackets bc it sounded threatening)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant