Chapter 1 - Meet

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(Alan's POV)

    I sat quietly in the corner of the lunchroom, Metallica playing as a whisper through my headphones. My notebook sat lightly on my knees, which were slightly pulled up to my chest. The light scraping of my pencil against the paper could only be heard by me. 

A hand snatched my notebook from my knees, a line was left down the page from where my pencil was. Jason Carver, star basketball player, complete asshole. “Ooh the little freak is drawing flowers.” He says, ripping the page from my notebook, waving it around. I knew not to fight back so I sat back and watched as Jason ran around the cafeteria, showing anyone who cared.

Oh well. Jason had tossed my notebook to the floor before running off. I grabbed it, shoving it into my bag and heading to my next class early. As soon as it had started, the day was done. I walked out of the building, almost sprinting. I finally got to the quiet side of the street, far away enough from the school, Metallica still playing quietly through my headphones. A crunch of gravel could be heard from behind me, causing me to flinch slightly. 

“Alan, right?” A new yet familiar voice said from behind me, making me pause my music and take a slight glance over my shoulder. I paused just long enough for the person to catch up. “Yeah, I’m Alan.” I stated, sounding slightly annoyed. Eddie “the freak” Munson. I didn’t know whether to trust his friendly manor because although we were both considered “freaks” or “outcasts”, it was hard to trust anyone. 

“I really like your flower drawings.” Eddie said, fiddling with his bag. “Thanks, I guess.” I said, glancing at him. He finally found what he was looking for, a notebook page. “Here, I believe this is yours.” He said, handing me the paper. I must have looked surprised because he then said “I pulled it out of the trash.” “Thank you.” I said, Putting the paper into my own bag.

“I was wondering if you wanted a friend of two.” He said, Smiling. “Who were you thinking?” I replied, smirking. He laughed along. “Sure, that might be nice for a change.” I said, wondering if I had just made the right decision. “Are you even walking the right direction?” I asked. He looked up, “Yeah, looks about right. I also wanted to tell you have good taste in fashion.” “Thanks…… I made the clothes myself.” I said, hesitating a little on the last part. “Really?! That’s so cool!” Eddie said, causing me to smile. Someone else is into this kind of stuff too? “Okay, Technically I just cut them up and sew different parts together.” I stated, chuckling a little. 

“Still, I could never do something like that.” Eddie said, nudging me with his elbow. “Where about do you live?” I asked. He frowned slightly, moving a hair out of his face. “Promise you won’t make fun of me.” He half stated. “Why would I make fun of you?” I asked, slightly confused. “Because…. I live in a trailer.” He had hesitated a bit causing me to regret my decision to ask the question. 

“Hey, that’s alright.” I reassured him. He smiled awkwardly. We walked up to the clump of trailers where Eddie’s trailer sat. “You don’t have to walk with me to the trailer.” He said. “I have nothing better to do, besides, you took time to talk to me.” I said. 

We walked to Eddie’s trailer. “Alright, I guess I better get home.” I said, waving a small goodbye and turning around. “Hey, will you draw me a few rose tattoo designs?” Eddie asked, still standing next to the trailer door. I turned around, surprised at the request. “Are you sure you want me to draw them?” I asked, the surprised expression sticking to my face. 

“Yeah! I love the way you draw flowers!” He replied. “Okay…. and thanks.” I said, turning back around, heading for the street.


This is the first chapter and my writing isn't the best but I hope it was somewhat readable. Thanks if you read through, I hope to get better. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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