Chapter 1 - Going To Work

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Kevin's POV

*Wakes up from bed*

*Looks at alarm clock*

"Woah 10:00 a.m already?!"Astonished . "Man I shouldn't have stayed up so late streaming" Stretching and getting out of bed .

"At least I don't have to go to work today" "Well I should probably feed Hox now then"

*Feeds Hox* "Woah Hox slow it down there bud , you don't want to waste it all before I feed you again" *Hox looks at you then continues eating* -sigh-

"Maybe I should get something to eat too" *Looks around and see's nothing in the fridge or pantry* "Well then..." "That's just great , I forgot to go to the grocery store" "Well this calls for one thing .." "STEAK N' SHAKE" . "Hey, maybe I should call Aleks and see if he wants to come , I don't know if he's working today or not though"

*You pick up your phone and call Aleks but doesn't pick up*

Aleks POV

*Is getting ready to go to work*

"Wow it's gonna be pretty boring today" "Especially since Kevin isn't going to be here (work) today"

*Mishka jumps onto your lap as you put your shoes on* "MISHKA!" *You say kinda scared* "Oh sorry girl you caught me off guard aha" *Mishka makes a sad sound* "Awe what's wrong girl?" *As you look at her dog food bowl still filled with food*

"Well I can't help you know Mishka I gotta go to work" *Mishka barks as your about to leave the house* *Then you relies that you forgot your phone* "Oh yea shit I forgot my phone" *You go over to the dining room table and pick up your phone*

*You notice that you've missed one phone call* "Oh what ? When did this happen? " "Mishka is this why you were acting all weird ?" *Mishka barks*

"Heh , Oh hey it's from Kevin !" You say happily walking out the door and locking it and going into your car.

"I wonder what he wanted ?" He says as he is now in his car .

"Guess I should see"

Voicemail - Oh , hey Aleks just wondering if your not busy so that maybe we could hang out and go to Steak N' Shake , call me when you see this , bye ~ . *Call Ends*

"Woah , I wish I could of seen this sooner , I guess I should call him back and tell him that i'm busy"

Kevin's POV

Well I guess he isn't going to call back , I guess i'll just go there by myself . You hear your ringtone and it sounds like Aleks' ringtone you pick it up and notice that it's Aleks. You call him .

"Aleks?' Kevin says .

"Yeah , hey Kevin I noticed you called me earlier . Sorry I didn't reply earlier I was getting ready to go to work " . Says Aleks .

"Oh *Kevin says sadly* I guess you can't go to Steak N' Shake with me then ."

"Yeah , well I guess your not going to work then ? " Aleks says.

"Yea , it would have been pretty boring today aha" "But it's cool dude" Kevin Says .

"Well I mean , I guess I could possibly , not go to work today , I wasn't really feeling good and kinda sick ." Aleks says .

"Oh reall-" "I shit hold on Aleks I have another call coming through"

It's Jordan . "Hey there Kevin , sorry to be calling you on your day off , but we really need your help here in the office ."

"Oh shit really ?" Says Kevin

"Yeah sorry were pretty busy and we don't have James , or Dex working in the office right now" Says Jordan .

"Oh what happened?"

"They said that they both are not feeling well and we really need you here " Jordan says .

"Well okay , I guess Jordan .." *Call Ends*

*Gets back to the call with Aleks*

"Hey Aleks !"

" Oh hey Kevin , so what was that all about? " Aleks says .

"Its was Jordan , he said that he needed me into work today , and I said i'll be there . " Kevin says .

"Oh , well ahah I guess were both going to work today ! " Aleks says .

"Wait I thought you said you weren't going to work today because you were feeling sick?" Kevin says .


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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