Beneath My Gaze

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A/N: Okay do you guys like the 2011 version when Gon & Killua meet or the 1999 version better? I can't decide! 1999 gives me cringe tho but it was still cute <3


Killua's POV:

It was my first day of my sophomore year here at this school. Was I excited? Yes. Was I also terrified? Yes.

You might be wondering why I'd be terrified- it's not because of the scary teachers that would give you a heart attack- but mostly because of the other kids. I'm not exactly popular, well yes, I am, but not in a good way. Let's just say I might have~ done something that they would never forgive me for. But I don't feel like talking about it. Don't get me wrong, some people will still talk to me but it's nothing that bad. So- where were we?

I walked down the halls looking for my locker. When I had found it, I put my stuff away and got ready for my first class of the day. 

Now you're probably wonder, "you didn't go your whole freshman year without making a friend, did you?" Well now, I did make a friend, and right now I am dying to know which classes we had together, if any.

His name is Kurapika. And right after I had gotten ready, I went looking for him. We had agreed upon over our summer break that we'd me at the abnormally large plant they had by the stairs.

My mind had lots of troubled thoughts in it. This year I was trying to come out... but I was nervous what people would think, and especially Kurapika. I know he's super nice but... Oh? You're still confused?? Well it's not like I have the guts to just go around telling everyone. So I wore eyeliner. Yup. I know it's not that big... but it's pretty noticeable. I wonder what he'll think!

On my way over to the stairs, I overheard a group of people talking...

"Hey, did you hear about the new Sophomore transfer student? I heard that he's-" I went too far away to hear the rest of their conversation. It didn't really interest me that much. I already had a friend, which was enough for me.

As I made it to the stairs, I realized that I couldn't wait for Kurapika and that I needed to get to my class. I quickly raced up the stairs and head into my classroom. I take a seat in the back away from everyone else. I hated everyone else. They were just random people that had nothing to do with me.

 Until I saw Kurapika come into the classroom. I waved him over until he noticed, and he took the hint and sat at the desk right next to mine.

He grinned at me. "Hey Killua! I guess we have our first class together." He whispered happily. 

I nodded back.

I could tell he noticed my eyeliner, but he didn't make any comments or say anything about it. Huh. Strange....

"Did you hear about the new transfer student? I heard that they are-" But Kurapika was cut off by the teacher announcing class.

Jeez, I was never going to hear about this transfer student. They said they were a sophomore as well so maybe I meet them later on? 

After this class, I found out that me and Kurapika both had the same next class together, Language Arts. 

We headed to the classroom and picked seats towards the back and next to each other. We sat down, quietly chatting to each other, waiting for class to begin.

Then, I noticed a guy slightly shorter than me walk into the classroom, making our teacher Mr. Wing get up from his desk and walk over to him. The guy was holding an adult's hand. I noticed several others were looking, gossiping, and pointing at him.

I pointed at him to Kurapika.

"Isn't that the new transfer st-" But Kurapika was once again cut off by the teacher.


Gon's POV:

I walked into the middle of a classroom. Being the transfer student is especially hard in these conditions; being blind. It had taken ages for my aunt to talk me into actually going to school, instead of homeschooling. Which I mean I guess homeschooling is alright but it's pretty lonely. Oh, but being at school- I don't know which is worse.

I hate being a transfer student- having to introduce yourself everywhere you go. Plus having an adult escort you everywhere you go. It's embarrassing. Not only that you ca-

"This is our newest transfer student-" I was cut off by Mr. Wing. "Mr. Gon." 

Oh wait! It gets worse. We haven't gotten to the part where everyone finds out I'm blind... Haha we haven't even gotten past my name. Oh, and you think this is bad? Well, I have six more classes of this. Do I even want to imagine what lunch will be like?


There was an awkward silence in the classroom as I evaded my gaze to the floor, shuffling my feet a bit. I could feel everyone looking at me, burning into my skull. 

Welp, better to get this over with quickly rather than never.

I looked up to the class to see everyone. There were fewer kids in this class than my one before this one.

Ah yes, you don't understand, do you?

The thing is, I'm not actually blind.


A/N: haha how'd ya'll like that? I've decided for this story to keep the chapters shorter than I usually do, since I'm so busy irl and with the books I have already. I don't know if I'm going to ever discontinue this story or not- it's already weird and cringey. What do you guys think? 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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