He's gone (sad)

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He's gone, he's really gone. You look at his lifeless face when the news hits you. You can no longer hear the screams; the shadow leaking behind you, you ignore. Everything has gone dark and you can feel the cold in your bones. Why him, why not you? It hurts, everything hurts. Your knees giveaway as your heart bursts into 1 million pieces. They crack and fall. Fall next to him, next to his pale face. Turning around, facing George, who's face is plastered with pity and guilt. You couldn't help it, you pushed him away. Your legs where in control, pulled into a tangled frenzy. Nothing could stop you from running into the dark pits of the forest. Your feet began to feel heavy as your whole body was being held up by the small figures. You don't know why you were there. But something was pulling you. And then it hit, hit you in you heart and head. This is where you met, you and fred. You slowed down, and fell. Fell so deep, you felt like you were sinking to the depths of hell. It hurts, it hurts so much. Like the pain Harry told you about when he feels Voldemort, but everywhere. Burning slices all over your body, inside out. You were by the bench, the best day of your life. Something you will never forget. You sat there until you heard footsteps, maybe just as heavy as yours and you couldn't help but feel curious. Following the mysterious figure, you crept along side the channel of trees, leading you to a group of death eaters and the man himself. Voldemort. People told you not to use his name, you tried. But it was always something that never really felt important. That was until it became a word that echoed to "he who shall not be named", a calling if you will. Your heart began to race, something that had not happened since... you couldn't quite work out what they were saying, it took all your power to not scream or cry. You could still feel the tears that had now dried on your chin. Harry, it's harry. What.. what do you do? You froze, this thick breeze ripped around you. And you saw a blast of green light filling the dark atmosphere. No, no god no. You couldn't take it. Not again, not another. Everything stopped, time and the picture in frount of you. Nothing but pain. Everything felt numb again. You couldn't imagine the pain when you had to tell people. Harry Potter is dead. They all went, a large figure carrying Harry's lifeless body. But then it came back to you, Fred. Please, you begged it was fiction. That it was all a dream. Not ever had you felt this pain. You began to run again, looking around for the place you saw Harry stop. There, right here. It was here. You fell again, but it was difference. You fell in desire. Rummaging through the leaves you painfully tried to find it. The small stone you so desperately needed. It was the only thing you needed. Nothing else passing your mind. You felt a prick on your finger. It fell into the palm of your hand. And there he was. Fred Weasley. See through and blue. Ghost like. As much as it pained you, it felt good to see him again.

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