1st Encounter

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Lizzy POV

I was walking alone in the local playground tryna clear my mind after an argument with my parents about my magic and "HoW i NeEd To CoNtRoL mY mAgIc UsAgE iN sChOoL" I don't really care about what they think. It's not like they're able to control me, the only thing that truely scares me is the Global Ocult Collision!
(A/N: Yes, Both the SCP Foundation and the GOC Exist in my AU.) It was after a while I spotted this kid who has Tenticals like me getting bullied by some people from my school so I stepped in "If you've got a problem with the l'il guys tenticals then LEAVE." then I proceeded to rap my tenticals around the two bullies necks "and if I EVER catch you bullying him again I won't hesitate to make your worst nightmares reality." I'm pretty sure that scared the kiddo too, whoops-- "Hey kiddo sorry if I scared ya, names Lizzy. And You're named Spy! Heh Heh"

Tentaspy POV

"How do 'ou know my name Lizzy?" I questioned, a little grateful for her defending me but mostly scared. I think she knows about me being scared despite not showing it-- "Well kiddo that's because I'mma Dream Demon they're known to be All-knowing, extremely powerful, AND Immortal" "Well if 'ou're extremely powerful why 'aven't 'ou taken over zhe world?" "Because A) I made a deal with the SCP foundation to never take over the world in exchange for my freedom and B) I already learned NOT to do that thanks to the Dream Demon who split his Being with me." the SCP foundation eh? I feel like I've heard of them before.. "You've probably heard of them before 'cause they hunt Anomalies like you and I." WAIT SHE CAN READ MINDS?!-- "Yes, It's one of my many abilities as a Dream Demon. Anywho I should get going, but before I go take this"
she pulled out a picture of this weird summoning circle with symbols on it and a Crescent Moon with one eye with a cat-like shaped pupil in the center of the circle from her short pocket, "My summoning circle, use it whenever you need my help or have a question. See ya in the Dreamscape kiddo!" She then disappeared and I did my best to scoot over to where Scout was and pulled his shirt to get his attention.

No one's POV

"Scout! Scout! Guess what!" scout let out an annoyed sigh "Yeah what the fuck do ya want?" "I made a new friend! " "Oh really? Well where are they?" "I don't know, but she gave me this weird summoning circle." Tentaspy shows scout the picture Lizzy gave him and says "She told me to use it whenever I needed her help or if I have a question" "Yeah let's get you back to base--" Scout picks up Tentaspy and they go back to base. Little do they know that they'll be having another encounter with her at base

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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