Initial clarifications

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Hi, this is my first story and I will try my best to make you like it. I want to explain some things so that the story makes sense.


Alpha Women:
Alpha women are physically a woman; they have breasts, a vagina, and a clitoris, in addition to vaginal lips. However, and here comes one of the differences with Beta or Omega women is that their client fulfills the function of the male penis, lengthening at the time of intercourse and retracting at the end of it. They do not have the same bulbous structure as Alpha men to be able to produce the "knot".

The body of women, inside, houses internal testicles larger than the ovaries, along with which are. These will be linked by ducts to the seminal vesicles, located in the upper part of the uterus, and that will join, in turn, the urinary duct, to go outside through the clitoris.
The uterus and ovaries, although they continue to function, do not receive enough hormone production and remain in a dormant state. This is because the body of Alpha women produces, for the most part, a greater segregation of male hormones compared to the female ones, which makes pregnancy almost impossible between two Alpha members.

However, there have been cases of pregnancies between two Alphas, being born from those unions the Pure Blood Alpha.


Omega Women:
Their reproductive system is exactly the same as the beta woman, although the vagina has the ability to close after the arrival to the ecstasy of the alpha man/woman during the sexual act thus increasing the probability of pregnancy

(There is not much to say about omega women, sorry if I missed something to mention)


After this little clarification, I will start the story without more interruptions. I hope you enjoy the next chapters

With love Lilian ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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