Those Who Return

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Mike's POV :::

We just got back from a hard mission where there was a lot of casualties in the newer battalions. I heard that only two survived. One of which was the new, short, annoying guy from the underground. He had watched his friends die so maybe now he will know how serious it is to listen to us captains.

I walked through the groups of people who had survived looking for the only other person who survived from the group of new recruits. I ended up asking one of the other captains who it was and they just pointed over to someone sitting under a tree with their face in their knees.

"She lost her sister today and apparently those two didn't come from a good family." The one captain said.

Another captain said,"I heard they both had to run away because of their dad."

"How old are they?" I asked cause she didn't look as young as the cadets we usually get.

"She is twenty and her sister was eighteen."

"What's her name?"


I was curled up under a tree in the outside compounds of the base. We had just returned from a massacre. I lost my sister. I watched her die right in front of me. She was in so much pain. She always was. From the minute she came into this world she was inflicted with pain right up until the second she left it.

I tried to release her from it's strong grasp when I could but it never lasted long. That's why we ran away from home. Cause even if we were adults we could never leave on our own terms. He had made that very clear. So as soon as I could I got her away from him and we joined the scouts.

We chose the scouts because they represented freedom. Something we never had. And something I wanted to give her. And I tried to give it to her. She fought to get in. She wanted to join the scouts almost more than me. She was so excited when we first got to the survey corps base that she smiled. Something I haven't seen on her in forever.

It made me cry seeing her that happy, and I thought that she could finally have the freedom she deserved, the freedom she needed, the freedom she fought so hard for. And she did have that freedom. But only for a little before this first mission. Both of our first mission's but sadly her last.

I wish that it was my last too. I don't think I can live without her. There is nothing keeping me alive right now. I don't have anyone that I love waiting for me, expecting me to help them, waiting for me to get them out of whatever trouble they are in. She was the only thing keeping me going. She pushed me forward that night we ran away. She was the reason we left. She was the reason we joined the scouts. She was the reason we went on that mission.

But I was the reason she isn't here right now. I am the reason she isn't sitting next to me right now. I am the reason she will never smile again. All because I didn't kill enough titans. All because we got ganged up on by those monsters. There was too many. I killed a lot and so did she but one of them got her line and pulled her in by it. It then gripped her in its disgusting fist and raised her up to its mouth.

If I had come and sliced her out then she might have lived. But there were too many titans in between us. She screamed my name asking me to come and save her like I always did. And I tried but I got to the titan right as it brought its jaw down on her. Her blood came out and splattered everywhere. I sliced its head completely off hoping that it would let go, and it did. I caught her as she fell, but she was missing half of her body and organs. Blood was coming out and she had no life in her eyes.

Her face had no expression, and that might have been the only time she ever looked like she wasn't in some pain. I carried her over to the cart of wounded and as I set her down one of the meds kicked her to the side and said that she was dead. He didn't even look at her. He just moved her aside with his dirty foot. I picked her up again and held her as close to me as I could and asked him where I should bring her, and the man said to just toss her in the cart of the dead and that they would dispose of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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