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I clutch at my bleeding heart.
as it beats inside my chest.
wishing I could take it out.
wishing I was dead.
I just want to stop the pain.
trapped inside my head.
the 1 that comes from my heart.
the feelings that I dread.
I wish I could just turn it off.
the emotions that I feel.
they are what's killing me
they are what's real.
for just once.
I don't want to feel.
I don't want to care.
I don't want to be real.
I just want to be numb, indifferent, detached.
I don't want this heart.
beating in my chest.
I want it to all stop.
the emotions.
always fighting in my brain.
they are slowly driving me insane.
I just want to disappear.

bleeding heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora