my favorite loser

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     I walk over to the lockers and get my English books, and my lighter. I'm gonna skip math again, and English is right after. Why not sit in the bathroom and smoke then go to the English class when the bell rings.

I close my locker and go to the family bathrooms, nobody ever goes in the family bathrooms cause they're usually locked, but I know how to pick it.

The bell rings. Shit, I gotta be quick. I grab a bobby pin from my hair and pick the lock, it takes a bit longer then usual.

It finally unlocks. I run in, and sit down on the tile floor.

After a second, I grab the ziplock bag in my pocket. In it is one, neat, stuffed to the brim, blunt. I take it out and light it. "Fuck I need this." I whisper. I take a hit or two, before the door knob jiggles.

"I just fucking got in here, really?" I quickly burn out the embers and put it back in the bag and stuff it in the pocket in my jacket

The door opens and someone enters. It's Eddie Munson. "Oh look, my favorite loser invading my own privacy, get out bitch boy." You hated Eddie munson. He was so loud, so annoying, so proud of himself. He also never apologized after the incident. But there was something I didn't understand about him.. I didn't at all..

"Don't call me bitch boy, I could kill you if I really wanted to." Eddie says. Looking at me with a death stare.

"Ok, good for you. Now leave. This is my place. Not yours. Didn't your dad leave you or something?" I say. Equalizing the stare with him

"Look, y/n, I'm in here by mistake. Don't mess with me." He stares at me blankly. No emotion behind his big brown eyes.

"Right. Leave." I say. "Bye." Eddie says.

"Bye loser" I say as he opens the door. I hear someone yell "MUNSON STAY THERE OR ITS 3 DAYS DETENTION!" it's the fucking hall monitor. I get up and hide my weed so the principal doesn't notice. I'm fucking dead.

The hall monitor grabs Eddie by the arm and says "I know someone else is in there, get out NOW." His voice is a bit louder then usual, and I open the door before he grabs my arm and pulls me out.

Eddie groans. "Both of you are coming to the office with me, you're in big trouble." I give Eddie the death stare. He mouths "fuck off"

When we finally get there, the secretary says the principal is busy. She puts us both in the study hall room together and makes sure the locks were locked and secure, before leaving eachother together. Me and Eddie Munson. In the same room. Alone.

"Fuck you dude, you got me in so much trouble. My mom's gonna take away my cassette player." I spit at him. "Oh boo hoo at least you have a fucking mom." He says.

"At Least my hair isn't fake and terribly permed."

"At least I'm not a virgin"

"Atleast my only friend group isn't a bunch of kids while being fucking 20 years old"

"Y/n shut up your 19 and love Chrissy. At least I don't take cheap shots at someone's friends."

I roll my eyes at him. "At least I admit when I'm an asshole, right, Eddie?" I stare at him with hatred.

"Are you still not over that? I didn't mean to say it." Eddie says it, softer then his normal voice, but still angry. "Eddie, you called me a faggot. We were playing spin the bottle with a bunch of people. You should have expected it could land on a guy."

"But I didn't expect you to be gay!" "But you did expect it could have happened!" Eddie stares at me. It was with so many emotions. Anger, disgust, and a few other things I couldn't pick out.

My favorite loser ♡ - nsfw Eddie Munson x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now