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"I believe," she said, in the coarse, flat tone of smoke and fire, "that this is the moment when you and your troops surrender."



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You'd think a war that's been going for 116 years would be near its end.
You'd think, with four nations against one, the conclusion would be set in stone.
And it is.

Now that Nerinea and Schaduw have fallen, Phoinix' road to victory is cleared. It is a matter of time before Phaos and Ventus go up in flames as well.

The armies of wind and light need to do something to turn the tides, and they need to do it quickly. But to stop a nation that can set the ocean on fire, you need a miracle.

Or maybe an ambush and a lot of optimism will work just as well.



1. The basic stuff: follow the Wattpad house rules.

2. Be respectful, kind and open-minded. Not just towards me, but towards everyone here.

3. Please read the upcoming chapters carefully. You don't have to read all of them front to back, but do make sure you read the one that goes with your character's native background, as it contains guidelines for appearance, powers and possible backstories. This increases the odds that your character fits with the story, and therefore makes it more likely that they will be picked.

4. Note that there is a substantial chance that your character will die (and possibly in quite a gruesome way, if they aren't Phoinixian). This is a story about a war, after all. Also note that I will not be writing romance, unless some miracle does happen and certain characters make too good a couple not to ship them.

5. While racial diversity is largely determined by your character's nation, diversity in other fields is much appreciated! Think for example about body types, gender identities, sexuality and possible disabilities. Note that some restrictions apply, as stated in the following chapters, as not all nations have a clear-cut concept of gender (and, because some of them reproduce differently, sexuality).

6. The deadline for applications is October 29th.

7. Be creative and have fun!

In applying, you declare to have read these rules and agree to follow them. If you don't, you're out, obviously.


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