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Four years ago

"Baby, wake up..." a voice said, it was low, raspy and so calm. As if my body held back, I felt stuck to the bed. But I opened my eyes anyway, something I regret to this day.

I was always so stubborn, doing the opposite of what I truly wanted to do. Self-sabotaging my happiness, I suppose. I don't know...i guess some people find comfort in discomfort.

A soft gasp had left his mouth, the calmness in his voice leaving as quick as it'd appeared. "You woke up." there are tears in his eyes as he lets out a relieved chuckle.

I cracked a small smile, although I couldn't remember him at the time. I was always a nice person. A smile wouldn't hurt...right?

"I know..." he said, reading through my polite smile and my calm expression. I wasn't freaking out, but, having a stranger beside my bed didn't necessarily put me at ease either. Almost as if my body was telling me not to be. "I know you don't know who I am, but you can trust me."

I felt hesitant but, he was here. I woke up with him. The doctor came by earlier when I woke up and filled me in on what happened.

I was in a coma, with memory loss.

It'd take me months to recover. To remember. Seeing James here, beside my hospital bed gave me a sense of peace. Of security. Of safety.

No one else I might have known was here with me, and he was. It was him and I in here, the moment I woke up. No one else even bothered.

"Are you James?" I asked. The doctor told me a person with the name James King would pick me up from the hospital since I'd had memory loss and therefore was unable to roam the streets alone. A smile spread across his face.

"Yes, Serenity." He smiled, and for some reason, him knowing my name gave me more assurance. He knew me, or my name at least. "Yes, baby. I'm James, your fiancé."
James. My fiancé.

Authors note:

Wanted to do an author's note, but i don't really know what to say lol. Oh wait, disclaimer, this book will have toxic moments in it so here are the triggers: SA, r4pe, domestic violence. So from here on you guys can decide if you're able to read it or not. Enjoy:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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