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Hi. I'm Evie Furnish-John. Almost everyone and their mothers know me and my story. I am going to tell it to you again, so you know what's right and what's wrong.

I was born in 1991 after my mother, a well-known stylist, spent her free time trying to get pregnant. I inherited her fertility issues. I grew up a happy child, with everything I needed. I never asked for much, only for Mammy's loving cuddles. She was from Ireland and raised me there. Primary school was fun, not including the harsh bullying I got. Now this is where it goes downhill.

In 2001, when I was 10, Mam decided it'd be good for us to go to England. We moved and all was well. I started secondary school and I loved it. I think now is a good time to talk about Mammy.

My mother, Laura Hemingway, had long brown curly hair, blue eyes and such a pretty face. Her and Elton John {remember him!!} were great friends in the 80's and every year, Elton would send me presents. Laura never got on with my father and split in 1993. Dad moved to England and I never saw him again. When we moved back, Mam was stressed trying to get back into the styling world. Luckily Elton hired her again. I rarely met him though, as I was so busy with school and trying to fit in. By then, I had developed a taste in old music from the 70's and 80's. Music had clearly changed and I wasn't deemed as "cool".

I had a nice life in England, until 2003 struck. Dad knew we were in England and I'd met him a few times while walking home from school. "Hello Evie." He'd say. I'd respond with; "Can you go away? I don't know you!". It worked well the first time, but second time around it made him angry. It wasn't until Mam seen him and slapped him right in front of every one that made him stop. Of course, my dad being a child, he didn't stop. He popped up everywhere I went.

Now, this is where my crazy, traumatic life truly began. Shall we dive in?

Story of my Life {Literally} - Evie Furnish JohnWhere stories live. Discover now