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written by: fxhollow (aka epi/owner 1)

''Alright guys, I think I'll end stream here- I've had enough jump scares for one day, haha. I'll see you guys--''


Willow looked down at her phone. She's gotten an iMessage, which was rather unusual considering everyone she knew had android and would communicate through other apps. It was an unknown number as well- the name on it appeared as Maybe: Leo

''Hold on, I just got a text from a random number. How about we troll them?'' Willoe smiled back at the camera in which thousands of viewers were intently watching her, the ones in chat spamming things such as 'YESSS' and 'I ship it already' or simply just the willow_yes emote. Willow smiled and opened the text. ''Alright, lets see what it says, haha!''

'hey, bro, did you get the groceries?'

''aw man, it's just a wrong number. Might as well tell them that, heh.'' Willow smiled, showing the phone up to the camera, making sure to cover the phone number above the message- she didn't want to doxx a random stranger now, did she?

'haha you got the wrong number but that does remind me of something :)'

''we were just playing a horror game set in a grocery store. Is this one of you, chat?'' Willow said, adjusting her cat headphones.

'nice joke jace, now where are you'

'my name isn't Jace and I'm at my house XD'

'$h!t, sorry. who are you?'

'no problem. I'm uuh..'

Willow paused, her finger hovering over her phone. ''Chat, I forgot my name. Can ya'll help?'' She looked at her monster, scanning the chat. Nothing too useful, just 'SHIP' and 'aww she's flustered!!!' Suddenly a message from the number popped up once more.

'how can you forget your own name lol'

For some strange reason, Willow felt her face go just the slightest bit warmer. She smiled at the screen, thinking of an excuse for her dumb screw-up. All the while, chat had begun to notice her red face. Oh no. 

'lol I didn't Im just messin. I'm willow'

'leo, what're you doing rn??'

'just about to end stream, u?'

Willow had been reading her messages aloud to chat the whole time, and she'd noticed they'd taken a liking to this Leo character. Maybe to please them, she should try to befriend them! Just to please chat. not because she wanted to be friends with them.

'making graffiti art'
'wait ur a streamer? cool'
'can I get the name?'

Willow paused before reading those next texts out loud. She sighed in relief for a second- wouldn't wanna straight-up say that someone she was texting was breaking the law on a stream. She decided to skip that first text.

'you're lucky I didn't read that message on stream and sure its transwoerm on twitch'

'oh cool! can i say hi to ur fans lol?'

'be warned that chat is shipping us bc they ship everyone haha and sure'

Willow glared at the camera, signaling chat to shut up about the dumb ship in case Leo comes to watch stream. ''You guys best be on your BEST behavior right now.'' She knew it wouldn't work. It really just fueled the chat more- they never really listened to her.

'ahha thats funny lol'
'hi everyone!!'

'why do they say hi back to you and not me'


Willow looked at her clock. She was supposed to end stream 30 minutes a go now- the spaghetti she was cooking was so burnt. ''well, I should say goodbye to Leo for now.''

'well it was nice meeting you! I'm gonna end stream and maybe I can chat with u after dinner?'

'nice meeting u too, ok!'
'I gotta rage at my brother now haha'

This Leo person was a fast and frantic tester. They sent many short texts and fast. It was pretty interesting, to be honest- Willoe enjoyed learning about people's typing habits. She began to put on her fluffy cat slippers so she could safely walk over the broken glass that sat in her doorway as she typed.

'have a good day, bye! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧'

she pressed the off button on her phone and leaned back into the pink gaming chair her chat forced her to buy on an amazon stream. ''well, hope you guys have a amazing day, bye!!'' she smiled and waved at her viewers as she pressed the end stream button. she turned in her chair and got up. She felt such a strange feeling talking to Leo. She didn't quite know what it was or how to express it quite yet, but she was sure she would learn eventually.

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