accomplice • 05

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───── 💌!  tell all of your friends that I'm crazy, and drive you mad

[ MANIACConan Gray ]

"So this is why you wanted to know about Scaramouche!"

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"So this is why you wanted to know about Scaramouche!"

Heizou's accusatory finger was pointed at me, the pitch of his voice far exceeding its usual limits. I patiently waited for him to be over with his theatrics of apparent betrayal.

"You've actually lost it, you freak!" He continued, "A dead boy? In your house? Please, that's a sign that you're going mental."

He was a man of facts and naked truths, chasing logic over imagination. I was thinking of a better method to tell him, but thanks to Itto's generosity, he found out in the worst possible manner. And now, I had to pay the price by enduring his exaggerated dramatisation. Nobody in their right mind would trust a girl who claimed to have experienced something paranormal. A murderer, they would believe, but not this. I knew, because at first, even I didn't.

"Are you done? Can I go back now?"

The area we lived in was not big enough to be called a city. Nobody here was a stranger to anyone, and all the roads met somewhere. Consequently, each student of Inazuma High occupied a corner that I would be forced to cross at a certain point. Heizou and I, as a byproduct of this problem, shared the same route home, with only a few miles separating us. I managed to avoid him for the last four classes, but he ended up spotting me near the intersection that forked our ways.

Left was his path, right was mine, and I was desperate to take the turn. I wasn't the kindest in my state of fatigue.

"You were lying to Itto, right?"

I suppressed a strained sigh. "If I answer you, will you let me leave?"

"...If you're not making things up, prove it to me. I want to know."

I want to know. Since when was he so curious about what went on in my life?

Instead of giving him a direct response, I began to walk, kicking random pebbles on the way. Heizou's uncertain steps mirrored mine after a beat. The crushing of gravel underneath his shoes, the eventual crunches of dried autumn leaves, and his whistles to alleviate the boredom; were all evidence of his presence.

He wasn't a ghost. Yet, I felt paranoia clawing at my throat.

I matched my pace with his, our feet taking us to the familiar path side by side. The initial fear dissipated with the minutes that passed with him right next to me, but it sprang right back up, and much stronger than before, as soon as we reached the end point of our journey. I hadn't gotten used to the twists and turns of my fairly new neighbourhood, so up until a week before, I genuinely enjoyed basking in the freshness it radiated. It was hilarious how quickly that beauty morphed into terror, first by Tatsuo's murder, and second by an entity that masked his visage with a seemingly innocent expression.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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