Chapter 1

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I wake up late on one Saturday morning. I can feel that I have slept in. My body feels hot and there are red marks on my arms from the way I slept. I stretch and slowly turn onto my other side. There lies asleep, my boyfriend. I slowly grab my phone from my nightstand in order to not wake him up. I am not in the mood to argue this early in the morning about whatever he thinks of. I never knew where I went wrong in my life. I've had the worst luck. I do not speak with my parents and my siblings only on rare occasions. I do not have any close friends and on top of all that, I am in the most toxic relationship of my life, and that says a lot. Because of my family dynamic, I tend to look for stability in long term relationships. While being ready to settle down is a green flag, there were many red ones in my past. I think many men see the vulnerability in me, and take that as a free pass to be an asshole. I check my Instagram to see what everyone is doing this weekend. I hear shuffling. I sit my phone on the bed and whisper,
"good morning Tyler."
"Who were you texting this early," he hastily responds.
"Was just checking socials, like I do every morning babe," I respond.
"yeah sure you were, let me see," he says while grabbing my phone off the bed and using the Face ID.
I turn on my back and look at the ceiling fan spinning so fast. My head fills with so many thoughts.

I sit up in bed and put my shirt on. I wrap my hair into a claw clip and head to the kitchen to make breakfast. Our roommate, Terry, is already sitting on the couch, as he is always up earlier than me and Tyler on weekends. Although he lives here, he has no idea about me and Tyler's problems. Him and Tyler know eachother from college. Tyler had a way of hiding all of his problems around everyone else. I decide to make us omelets this morning. I start up the stove, place a pan on the burner, and crack the eggs inside.
"Good morning Sandra" Terry said with too much energy for the morning time.
"Good morning Terry" I say back as I'm adding cheese in the pan.
"You ready for the party tonight?" He asked me.
"I guess," I said with an unsure tone.
"Trust me, it'll be fun! Nothing like last time," Terry said while sitting his coffee cup in the sink and walking back to his room. The last party Terry and Tyler threw ended with the landlord almost kicking us out and me cleaning the whole apartment on my own. They promise this time if it gets out of hand they will "move the party elsewhere." I finish cooking Tyler and Is omelets and call him to the kitchen. "Tyler, breakfast is done," I call, with no response. I grab a plate and eat my breakfast on a bar stool on my own.

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