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No TW.

George looked up at the sky, it was quite colorless to him. Only showing white dots sprinkled across the vast darkness.

Dream had always told him what the sky had looked like. Filled with purple, pink, and orange. Coalesced into a beautiful midnight sky.

George looked into the void. Not looking away, he listened to the wind. The leaves rustling, the water from a nearby river flowing softly.

A voice was heard upon the serene wilderness. "You can't just keep sulking, boy. It's not going to help." The voice called. "Then what else is going to help?" The brunet responded. "Anything but this." The voice of the man getting closer.

George looked down at his feet. "Why are you here, Will?" George's voiced cracked, holding back tears. "You disappeared from the meeting. Phil sent me to check on you."

Will sat down next to George leaning against the tree. "Of course he sent you, he's always soooo worried about me." George's face was filled with little emotion.

"George, I'm sorry things turned out this way. I know he's your best friend." Will said his face crippled with worry.

"No he's not." George looked back up at the sky letting a sigh through his soft lips.

Will was startled by the smaller boys response.

"That's not my best friend. My best friend is filled with laughter and emotion. That wasn't him. That wasn't my Dream." George choked back tears. Will put his arm around George.

George let a tear crawl down his face before wiping it away with the large black hoodie he wore, Dreams hoodie.

The boys sat there hugging each other. Will stayed silent as George tried to calm himself.

"Will?" A deep voice called out. "Are you out here?" The man called again. Will got up, "Yes sir, I'm here."

The man walked closer, "Is George there too?" George slowly got up and walked out from behind the tree. "Oh, thank god you are okay. I got so worried." The man said grabbing his chest and letting out a breath.

"Come on boys, let's go home. I don't want you guys to get hurt by the monsters. You're far away from the lit up areas. Come come." The man help out his hand and beckoned the boys to walk in front of him.

George walked up to the man and hugged him. "George.." the man said softly. He hugged him back. "I'm only gonna hug you once, so enjoy this while you can." The man gave George a soft smile.

"He's not who he used to be, Techno." Techno let go of the smaller man, putting his hands on his shoulders and looking into his eyes. "I know. There is nothing more we can do."

Techno let go of George and started walking back to the village. George and Will followed behind him. They reached town square and walked into the building. Almost everyone was gathered around talking about the next plan.

When they entered the room, everyone went quiet and stared at them. "Oh, you're okay! Thank god." Niki said cheerfully, George flashed a quick smile at her, then looked down at his feet. No one else was too bothered at the fact that Dream was in prison.

Other than Sapnap of course, but he knew not to show his emotions that much. The only person that wasn't present at town square was Sam. But he was looking after Dream.

Sam was the at the prison all the time, only switching places with trusted people when he had too.

"Okay, we all know Dreams gonna be in prison for the rest of his life." Techno said scanning over the room, there were a couple of nods. "We CANNOT let him get out. We have cameras everywhere in that prison. I already let Sam know he cannot keep his eyes off of Dream." Techno said speaking with his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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