Chap. 1 - Inside the Mind

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 Psyckey was amazed at the landscape before him and the fact he was somehow able to form a mental connection to one of the most mentally questionable mixels to exist. Or should he say, murp. Looking around he saw transmission towers half buried in different flavors of ice cream and colorful popsicles sprouting from lightning rods. He took a step forward to be greeted by the crunch of snow and a jolt of static under his feet, more steps resulted in the same, traversing this mind would be a hurdle but Psyckey's dealt with worse. "Ok, my objective is to find out just what happened in here to make Murphy so... Murphy," he sighed as his tail swayed. "I know it wont help much but it'll at least get something out of him since he refuses to speak in the physical realm. Plus whatever I can help with in here should make a difference out there, even if it's a small one."

 He saw a path a short distance away from him, it would save him the annoyance of walking on the static snow. He stepped onto the path and mainly followed it, occasionally taking a quick detour for small collectables like emotional baggage tags and figments. Most of said figments were images of the N-Mixel logo, the stern thumbs down, and science related objects like beakers, bunsen burners, computers and charts that Psyckey didn't understand. There were also more normal ones, being snowflakes and thunderbolts along with cubits and nixels. Going back onto the path Psyckey found himself being led down into a forest of those popsicle lighting rods he saw earlier. The light from above was getting darker the further he walked but it was also starting to change color as the popsicles acted like stained glass. He had to admit it was kind of breathtaking in a way, but that thought was soon put aside as he found himself greeted by the tingle and crunch of the snow beneath his feet again. Looking down, he realized he'd run out of path, "Great."

 "Well this isn't good. Lost in this forest and there's nothing to guide me," Psyckey looked around with his hands on his hips, tail flicking and curling as he thought to himself. "I could try to go back down the path, but that would only put me back at square one. If only there were maps for the mind," he complained. As he continued rambling to himself a small creature was running among the trees behind him. It wasn't the snow crunching that caught his attention, but the metallic clinking and clanking the creature made as it scurried. That sound could be one thing and one thing only, a memory vault, Psyckey knew that memory vaults were jumpy creatures, often running away whenever someone gets to close. He also knew that this was his chance at getting out of the forest, he turned slowly to face where the sound of the vault was coming from. The noise stopped as he turned, he crouched ever so slightly and patted his knees, "Come on out little memory vault, you're safe, I wont do anything to ya'," Psyckey stood very still. He patted his knees again as the memory vault came out from between two trees, "Hi little guy," Psyckey began, "Look, I need to find my way out of this forest and I think you might be my ticket out," he calmly stated as he held out his hand. The memory vault was hesitant at first but took steps closer towards Psyckey, looking at him then his open palm. It finally reached him after a couple of seconds, but it was worth the wait as the memory vault ran around him and placed it's head in his hand. "Happy to meet you," he said as he patted the vault, "Now how about finding a way out of this forest huh? The static snow is starting to be a real pain on my feet." 

 The memory vault walked in a circle around Psyckey, sniffing the ground as it did. It stopped and pointed between two popsicle lightning rod trees, one yellow with gray splotches and the other blue with chunks of yellow fruit frozen inside. "That way than? Lead the way little friend," Psyckey said as he followed after the vault, snow crunching and sparks flying as the two ran through the forest.

Murphy's Muddleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें