If You're with Me

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Please note this fanfic is a continuation from Ep 16. 

Snowdrop Ep 16: 01:18:47 onwards

Kang Moo ran out of the back shed with the rifle and as Pi and Bun Ok were following suit, Young Ro took the opportunity and ran back into the basement of the shed. Back to Soo Ho. Headmistress Pi yelled for her which alerted Kang Moo as he ran back in. An injured and battered Soo Ho, dropped the enormous black bag he was carrying and getting ready to fend the SWAT team off while they escaped. The stillness in the air and the soft ragged breathing snapped him out of the immense pain he was experiencing as he looked up and saw her. Her hair was messy and her sweater stained, tears rolling down her cheeks as she stood there staring at him.

He leaned against the wall, his heart dropping. She walked towards him without any regret nor fear, only concern for him. She approached him, the blood splattered on the side of his face, the gunshot on his thigh bleeding out, she started to cry harder. Soo Ho could not stop staring at her.

Why, why did you come back? Why. I came back so you could escape safely. Why are putting yourself at danger? Soo Ho thought.

"Oh no...." Young Ro cried harder, Soo Ho pulled her into his arms. Suppressing the agony he felt in his thighs and back of his head.

"Yah, Young Ro! Soo Ho! We don't have time for this." Kang Moo's harsh voice snapped them back to reality. 40 seconds, they had 40 seconds to make a run for the exit and hide before the SWAT team overtook the hostel. "I don't want to argue just come. If you want to save her. Let's go, you know Young Ro won't leave unless you do."

Kang Moo stated as he took the bag from Soo Ho and pulled them towards the exit. Soo Ho took out a makeshift bomb from the bag and set it to 30 seconds before throwing it towards the stairs. Despite the intense pain, he limped as fast as he could, leaning as little as he could on Young Ro. Their hearts pounding every step they took, anxiety overtook them as they inched towards the exit. They managed to step out of the shed and before taking off, Soo Ho threw a grenade down and they limbed towards the uneven ground. Even though they could take cover, both explosions happened simultaneously. The three of them ducked behind a tree.

"We have to keep moving, Hanna is right over the corner waiting with a bus for our transport." Kang Moo said as he pulled Soo Ho up.

They could hear static and radio, the SWAT team was close by but due to the explosion, they were not moving in yet. This was their golden opportunity to escape. They charged toward the bus as fast as they could, Hanna was anxiously waiting for them to come. Young Ro's roommates ran out of the bus and towards both Soo Ho and Youngro, helping them onto the bus as Hanna sped off.

There was a moment of silence before soft and ragged whimpers and cries filled the air. They were out of the hostel, they were save from the SWAT team. But they were not done with the war ahead of them. Hanna knew she had to keep off the main roads as the reports of a stolen bus would have already been filed and reported.

"Where are we going?" Kang Moo asked Hanna as she continued to drive.

"Towards Taejongdae, there's a place where we can hide and maybe find an alternative plan for both of them before we go into the light and fight again," Hanna said.

"Great work Hanna......all of us made it out alive only because you fought your own battles outside without any help." Kang Moo said, not hiding his wonder and awe.

Hanna smiled, "praise me later when we manage to go past every obstacle and reach our destination. There's a first aid kit at the back, go tend to him before he bleeds out and dies."

Kang Moo did not know much about tending to gun wounds but with the help of Headmistress Pi and Young Ro they somehow managed to remove the bullet and bandage Soo Ho up. He was in for a rough recovery and they would have to get proper medical attention sooner or later.

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