Most Metal Concert Ever

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     • Eddie and Dustin were waiting in the trailer for confirmation to go into stage 3. The plan was for Eddie to attract the demo bats with his guitar. Suddenly, they heard someone through the walkie talkie telling them to start stage 3. "Are you ready for the most metal concert ever?" Eddie asked. Dustin smirked as he said, "Is that a rhetorical question?" They laughed and started to climb up to the top of the trailer. Dustin connected the guitar to the radio and waited for Eddie to start playing. Before he started he whispered to himself, "Chrissy, this is for you." He started to shred his guitar playing 'Master of Puppets' at full volume.
• Dustin started to count down to when they would go back into the trailer considering the demo bats were coming at them full speed. When he got to zero they rushed down the ladder and back into the trailer. They smiled at each other and laughed as Eddie screamed, "Best concert ever!" Dustin and Eddie were jumping around, laughing and happy, but it was short lived. Soon they realized that the demo bats saw them run into the trailer and were trying to break in. They looked up at the ceiling to see some breaking through the vents. Dustin was freaking out while Eddie was trying to find something to use to help them.
• He saw the shields they had made earlier in the day, he grabbed it and stuck it in the ceiling blocking the bats way through. They sighed out in relief, but not for long, as they saw the demo bats breaking through a different vent in his room.
• Realizing they only had one more shield and that the demo bats were half way through they chose the best option. Which was to get back in to the actual world. Letting Dustin climb up the rope first, he grabbed the other shield and blocked them with it.

(There's going to be two parts and sorry if I messed some things up in the story it's been a while since I watched volume 2)
Words : 358 (there will definitely be more!!)

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