pre-fanfic headcanons.

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your nicknames for him:
love, dearest, handsome, hot stuff, pretty boy, lover boy, Romeo, simp, dreamboat, hotshot, cousin-fucker (despite his hate for it)

his nicknames for you:
babe, sweetheart, princess, dear, Juliet, corpse bride, lover girl...

b l o w j o b g i v e r


unless.. 👀

kk headcannon time

~ always lets you huddle underneath his cloak when it's cold/raining

☠︎︎ graveyard dates, and if not then dates in secluded areas of like a forest

~ if you were to explain where you two go on dates, people would be concerned that he's gonna murder you

☠︎︎ if you're both down for it though, movie theater dates

~ GREAT aftercare

☠︎︎ like, absolutely PHENOMAL

~ he calls you the 'lydia to his beetlegeuse/beetlejuice' for a reason

☠︎︎ matching black nails

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