Chapter 1

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It's always been amusing to me that people think I'm older than I actually am. For instance, no one questions me when I hang out with people far older than me. I'm only 17, but apparently going on 21. I've always surrounded myself with older crowds of people because, quite frankly I can't stand those who are my age. They're all far too busy worrying about where they sit in the social hierarchy, how many fake friends they could surround themselves with and - worst of all, the pressure of having a boyfriend.

Personally, I've only ever had 1 boyfriend, his name was Ashton, I just called him Ash though. Ashton was who I would clarify as my first love, some people call their pre-school crushes their first love, Ironically they were still learning letters of the alphabet. I began dating Ash when I was fourteen, in-fact it was the day of my fourteenth birthday. He was a family friend, my parents are the sort of people to invite their friends to whatever event, any occasion, even if it's not their place to, so of course Ashton was there. Ashton came from a lovely family (the
Noils) who have been very close to my family ever since we moved from LA to Canada. I pretty much knew everything there was to know about Ashton, or so I thought. What I didn't know, was that Ashton had fallen "in love" with me, or however much his 14 year old self could love anyone. Ashton and I shared a mutual love for reading, we always used to walk home from school together, get a snack from the pantry and head upstairs to my room where I would lay on my bed, Ashton on my been bag, that's all we did.

On the night of my birthday, we were sitting with both Ash and my parents talking about whatever the hell they could think of in their half functioning brains, when Ashton's mum blurted out that he tells her how beautiful I was each morning. His exact words were "Mum, Casey is so pretty, I wish she could see me for more than just a friend." Of course I flipped out at those words, ran inside and upstairs to my room, I was followed by Ashton. He opened my door ever so slightly, as if he were too scared to walk in like he usually does. He sat himself beside me, my face was buried into one of my many pillows that filled up my bed. He put his hand on my lower back and nudged me so I would be looking at him. It's not that I didn't think Ashton was attractive, it's just I was far too embarrassed and awkward to admit it. Ashton had many "girlfriends" before me, so I guess you could say he was experienced. He looked me dead in the eyes and admitted that what his mum had said about him was nothing but the truth. My heart was literally everywhere all at once, and before I could even answer him, I lunged myself forward and began to kiss him. I had no experience on kissing boys, but he made it pretty easy. Ash and I slowly became more comfortable with each-other, obviously our parents approved, and not only did we become the cutest couple during high-school, but the one that lasted, that was until our school ski trip, exactly 1 year ago today. Where I saw Ashton kissing my best friend, Lily. To clarify, she is not longer my best friend. I guess it was from that moment that I decided to surround myself with those older than me. I didn't mind, the girls were cooler, the boys were hotter, and best of all no-one could care less about high-school.

In the present day, I don't speak with either Lily or Ashton anymore, I believe they're still dating, and a little birdie told me they would be going to prom together. Yep, Prom. The night that all girls are supposed to rave about. 'What will my dress look like?' 'How will I wear my hair?' 'What car do I pull up in?' And my all time favourite 'Who will I go with?' I didn't even plan on going to prom, since I didn't associate with anyone in my grade I figured it was just be a waste of time and money. Going to prom was out of the question until today, in first period when we were seated, talking about our spring break. Our principal, Mr. Delox introduced the newest member to our class, Brice. Brice looked like the kind of guy that would have a love for football, the colour blue and the sort to religiously watch his favourite movie everyday. Our period 1 teacher loves when we have new students and makes it his first and foremost priority to have newbies introduce themselves. I sat at my desk slowly analysing every detail of this guy. He was about six foot three feet tall, muscular, had dark brown hair, and the deepest dark blue eyes, I had ever seen. It was actually hard to tell what colour his eyes were at first. As he reached the front of the classroom, he gave a little wave of his hand to his new classmates, personally I thought he looked sweet. I intently watched his every move as I waited for him to explain a little bit about himself, but he didn't. Instead all he did was wave, walk to the back of the classroom and begin to pull out his books for class. It was obvious he wasn't comfortable with sharing his personal life with people he didn't even know. During class I kept looking back towards the back of the classroom where he was seated, hoping to notice new things about this oddly attractive stranger, but I didn't. Instead I think I weirded him out slightly, this being because every time I went to look at him, he would catch me in the act. The first class back from holidays is always the longest, so I was beyond grateful when we were dismissed for lunch, I put all my books in my locker as quickly as possible, hoping to catch Brice before he wondered off into the crowd, but I was too late, he was already gone.

Until youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora