Story 1: The Ring

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It had been pouring rain lately. The sky just threw buckets and buckets of water on the world. It usually rained like this around this time in downtown Seattle. Patrick Hobbs was at the fifth jewelry store he visited that day. Once again he couldn't find the ring he had been searching for, for 2 weeks.

"You just don't understand. This ring is extremely important, I've known this girl for 2 years. The moment I get on one knee has to be absolutely perfect." Patrick began to argue with yet another cashier about his 'perfect' ring.

"Sir, if you really do want the ring that you describe it will cost you extremely." The love of Patrick's life was Jane Oscars. They met 4 years ago in Seattle Pacific University. She had beautiful long black hair and dark blue eyes. Staring into them was like looking into an ocean.

"I already told you money is of no value. Show me your best rings."

The cashier took Patrick to a glass display case and turned a light on inside. The case was full of beautiful ring, Patrick finally found the store he was looking for. It took him another 2 hours to pick out a ring. When he was satisfied he shook the cashier's hand and happily strolled out of the store. Everything was going with his plan perfectly. He already knew how he was going to pop the question to Jane. He had a gazebo rented by the beach that she loved so much. He was going to wait for the sun to go down. When she was distracted by the view we would go down on one knee, whip out the ring, and ask her to be his Mrs. Hobbs. Patrick just couldn't wait.

He took out his phone and searched through his contacts to find Jane. When he found her number and was about to call, a voice called out from behind him, "Drop the phone and turn around real slow."

Two men, with pistols pointed towards him, smiled and laughed. They were tall and wore baggy pants that seemed to defy gravity.

"Hey James, go over there and empty out his pockets. We just want whatever kind of shit you have on you, so don't do anything stupid."

One of the men walked towards him. Patrick knew what would happen, they were going to take the ring. The perfect ring that took him so long to find. The ring for the love of his life. Jane's ring. Patrick shot his hand into his pocket and held it tight.

Both men jumped back, "He got a gun!"

"No Wai-!" The muggers fired at Patrick and he fell to the floor. Jane's ring, the one she will never receive was held tightly in his hand.


The phone rang somewhere in the house. Jane crawled out of bed and began searching for it. When she finally found it she snatched it and put it up to her ear. She let out a brief sigh, hung up, and walked back to bed. She threw herself into her bed and lazily covered herself up. The man lying next to her turned around and stared at her.

"Who was at the phone?"

"Just some cop." Jane let out another sigh as she turned over."

"What'd he want?"

"He said something about Patrick being murdered."

The man flipped himself back over in his bed. Patrick had been following Jane around for quite some time now. He never seemed to stop. Patrick always tried to meet her on 'dates' and would tell her how much he loved her. He must've even put her as his emergency contact if the police called her. He had to admit, he was relieved that Jane wouldn't be bothered by that creep again.

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