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Slightly inspired by the My Hero Academia fanfiction, "Comforting Touch" by NyghtWalker on, when it comes to Midoriya's powers, although with noticeable differences from that story.

Midoriya is the youngest in age, and is quite smart, but his quirk isn't all that much. Can he become the hero he wishes to be? Can his childhood friend, Yui Kodai, help him in any way, despite her lack of emotional expression?

MY HERO ACADEMIA anime, and all related characters, elements, and storylines were created by Kohei Horikoshi. All rights reserved.

I only wrote this fanfiction, and own nothing but the alterations for the A.U. By Eli Samuel Orfila Rosario.

Izuku Midoriya. Quirk: "Emotional Support." By making physical contact with others or himself, and providing words of encouragement, he can boost the morale of others and increase their power or extension of their quirk or physical ability. It takes a toll on his mental state though.

   Izuku Midoriya used to be a cheerful kid. Always smiling, always friendly, always trying to start a conversation with others. He was a quirk enthusiast, writing analysis notebooks on heroes and their quirks. He used to mutter his thoughts out loud often, sometimes making people uncomfortable. He wanted to be a great hero. But although he kept analyzing quirks and wanting to be a hero, everything else changed for him.


   Yui Kodai was a serious girl, even when she was a kid. She kept a stoic face, and rarely expressed emotion, and therefore few people approached her. Although she acted as if that didn't bother her at all, the truth is that she felt rather lonely. No one approached her, and she didn't know how to approach others. Her blank stare kind off made the other kids weary of her. She was 6 years old, with a quirk that allowed her to change the size of any non-living object she touches and can return them to normal size by pressing her fingertips together. But despite that awesome quirk, she still had no friends. That was until she met that small green brush head boy that was only two years younger than her.

   At school, she used to seat alone on a bench to eat her lunch while the other kids played. She felt sad when suddenly a boy with green hair and green eyes sat next to her.

- "Hey... are you ok?"

- "..."

   She didn't respond. It has been a while since any of the kids of her school had talked to her unless it was required by the class. She could only stare, her emotionless expression changed if only for a second into that of wider eyes of surprise, before returning to normal.

- "Mm"

- "Oh... Good... Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya. What's your name?"

   How he spoke. It brought a warmth, the air of someone genuinely interested. Perhaps she could find a friend in him? It was too soon though. But she had to respond first.

- "Mm... Yui... Kodai..."

- "Well nice to meet you Kodai-san..."

   The boy extended his hand towards her, probably for a handshake. She didn't have much physical contact with anyone who wasn't her family, so it took her a while. She stared at his extended hand, then at the boy, then back at the hand. He was patient, his smile didn't fade, nor did his hand fall back. Eventually, she managed to grab his hand in a handshake manner, only she didn't shake, and after two seconds she let go.

- "Wanna be friends?"

   In a true child nature, the boy went straight to the point. He didn't try to find subjects in common to wiggle himself into a friendship, nor did he try pointless conversation to see if it worked. He didn't silently follow expecting to be talked to first, he went straight to what he wished. He wanted to befriend the girl.

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