Lets Skip the Introductions Shall We?

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Sam Winchester was desperate. Desperate for what? Well, there were quite a few things actually. Killing the yellow-eyed demon and avenging his family, for one. But neither Winchester brother had any idea on where to start. They were back at square one again. It was like some sick game of Sorry and they were right back at the starting point. The one weapon-the only weapon they had against the sick son of a bitch was gone. Vanished. Along with the demon. And their father's life. That couldn't be a coincidence now, could it? Ha, the Winchesters didn't believe in coincidences and they were right not to. John Winchester's death wasn't some simple heart-attack or whatever the hell those doctors said had been the cause of death. John Winchester did not leave this world because of a friggin' heart-attack.

Then there was Dean. Sam's older brother-big, tough guy-who had also been on his death-bed not even five days ago. The doctors literally giving the news that Dean was going to die. That there was no hope-and for a small while, Sam really did think his brother was going to die. And of course, it would have been another Winchester dying at the hands of the yellow-eyed demon. Dean was in bad shape when he was brought into the hospital. He was having his insides practically being liquefied by yellow-eyes-who at the time was possessing their father without their knowledge. And then the three of them get hit by a freaking semi-truck. Un-freaking-believable. Seriously. Their entire lives is just one gigantic crap-storm. And Dean was currently in the eye of that storm. Then out of nowhere, Dean shoots up from his hospital bed-alive and no longer suffering from internal injuries. There wasn't a thing wrong with him. And then their father drops dead minutes later. Sam didn't quite understand what was going through his brother's head at the moment. He knew it must have been a lot harder on Dean when it came to grieving over the loss of their father. Come on, Dean looked up to the man like he was god. But they way Sam saw it was a soldier looking up to his drill-sergeant. Don't get Sam wrong, he always loved his father despite of what might of happened in the past. He didn't like his father's ways and the kind of lifestyle he wanted his children to live. Regardless, Sam Winchester loved his father. But Dean? Dean kissed the ground his father stepped on. Dean's relationship with their father was a lot closer than Sam's... so why has Dean been void of all emotion? Sam was practically waiting for the other shoe to drop-waiting for his brother to snap.

It irked Sam to no end that Dean spent the majority of his time under the hood of his beloved Chevy Impala. It was completely destroyed in the crash, but somehow, Dean was slowly, but surely building his baby back up. Every day, Sam would go out there with an opened bottle of beer and try and get his brother to open up-talk about what happened with the demon and with dad. But no. Dean would either give short, quipped responses, indicating that he did not want to discuss the topic or he would ignore Sam completely. So Sam decided that he would go back and find something that Dean would think is worth his attention. And that happened to be hacking into their father's voicemail. It wasn't much-some woman named Ellen-leaving a vague message about helping him out with their demon issue. The voicemail was dated four months ago. Which of course, brought up questions among the brothers as to why their father would have a four month old message saved on his cell phone.

This Ellen lady was their only shot at getting some answers.

And going to the roadhouse got them much more than just answers.

Sam had managed to trace the message back to some bar in Nebraska. Luckily, Dean had reluctantly agreed to take a ride over to the place and see if they can get some answers out of Ellen about their father. But of course, the entire car ride was filled with Dean's grumbling about driving a "soccer mom van." The old, beat up van had been Bobby's only working vehicles back at the salvage yard and since the Impala was totaled at the moment, the van was their only ride. Sam stared out the passenger side window and watched the scenery swish right passed him. He felt the slight breeze hit his face; closing his eyes and letting out a sigh, Sam leaned his head back on the headrest and stared at the road in front of him. There was so much tension between the brothers. There were so many questions that could not be answered. There was a crazy-ass demon on the loose destroying peoples' lives and causing chaos. There was just so much crap that needed to be dealt with and neither Winchester knew where to begin. It was like they were in quicksand and they just kept sinking deeper and deeper.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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