Chapter 1

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Tommy's breathing was even and controlled even as he sprinted over rooftops, jumping gaps with practised skill. He didn't falter as he made a particularly large jump down to a smaller building, rather he got back up quickly and efficiently and continued his running.

The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance, the noise seemingly getting closer as he continued his fast pace. Red and blue lights could be seen flashing ahead of him as he made a sharp left and jumped down into an alley, still, the fall has no impact on his fast pace and he quickly recovers.

A voice from above could barely be heard over the sound of his footsteps as he continued on his path forwards, unaffected by the shouting he left in his wake. Those bastards could suck it for all he cared. He just wanted a nice, peaceful night, but no. He had to deal with this shit, booking it through thin back-alleys and in between bins, just trying to get back to his shitty flat.

A flash of bright light shook him out of his thoughts as a rubbish bag seemed to change into something a lot bigger, effectively blocking his path as a brick wall was now present in between him and freedom. Shift. Or Dream as Tommy liked to call him, seeing as that was his real name and his hero name sucked in his humble opinion.

With Dream there it was likely that Mefitis and Cybele (or George and Sapnap, respectively) weren't far behind, meaning Tommy had to get out of there and fast. Luckily he had a knack for this type of thing, being amazing came with its perks ya know. At least that's the thought that ran through his head, directly before his sleeve snagged on a bit of broken pipe that stuck out of a small crevice in the wall next to him, pretty much stopping all movement forward.

'Oh, for Prime's sake' he thought, as he was pulled back onto the ground by the force of the sudden stop. The ground underneath him was softer than he expected as he made contact with it. He thought for sure that it would have been at least a bit painful landing on solid concrete with such force, but oh well, no time to complain about being unharmed.

The heroes chasing him were sure to have made up more ground due to his terrible luck and he would not like to be around for when they catch up completely. At that thought, he stood back up and was about to continue on his way, when his light blue hood was grabbed by a strong hand and he was hoisted into the air. 'They must have been closer than I thought, oops'.

"You've been a bit of a nuisance today, kid"

"Fuck you, bitch! I ain't no child, motherfucker!"

The hand holding him up faltered slightly at that, the guy must not have been a big fan of the Classic Innit Charm, which instantly made him a wrongun in Tommy's eyes, everyone loves his loud personality as far as he knows. It's what makes him awesome.

"What you don't like my insults, big man?"

"You aren't Dolos"

The confusion in his voice and the falter of his grip was enough to allow Tommy to make his escape, kicking against the wall on his right and knocking the man behind him off balance forcing his hood out of his grip. He stole a glance behind him to see who had managed to catch him as he began running forward away from his attacker. He stumbled slightly when he saw who it was.

'Holy shit, I just got away from Dream'

The look that passed over the number 3 heroes face as he said that was one of shock, but Tommy was already turning a corner at the end of the alley and continuing on his way home, this time being a lot more careful to stay hidden in shadows along the sides of buildings, rather than in sketchy alleys, that could easily be accessed by criminals and wronguns.

He'd have to wash his clothes when he got back, all the jumping from different rooftops had left a lot of dust and sweat on his hoodie and black cargo pants, the white of his sleeves now a sort of grey colour. A few of his chains had been broken by some of the larger falls and his shoelaces weren't all that rainbow anymore, more a sort of slightly colourful grey.

Maybe he would make cookies tonight to make it up to himself, the bakery could use some new stock as well and it would be a good opportunity to try a new recipe of his. He smiled at the thought as he continued walking calmly away from the mess that he had made prior.

Meanwhile, Dream was still frozen in place when Mefitis and Cybele managed to catch up with him, his hand had fallen limp by his side from where it had trapped the kid's hood and his mouth was hanging open, as he stared at the spot where the little menace had turned the corner away from the opening of the alley.

"Hey dude, you okay?"

"Sap, he knew my name"

"Well, yeah, you're a pretty well-known hero, man"

"No, he knew my name, Sap"

"Oh, well, um, that's not good"

"Well, he is a villain, he probably knows people with access to that information"

"George, not even the government knows our real names, plus, he wasn't a villain and even if he was, it would be extremely concerning if he had that info. What if he leaks it?"

"What? I thought he was Dolos?"

"No, the voices don't match, neither do the speaking patterns, he was too boisterous and annoying to have been Dolos"

"Well, it's getting kinda late, we should probably head back to HQ, maybe tell Quackity about this, make sure people know that there might be a mole in the tower"

"Yeah, let's do that"

As he, George and Sapnap began to walk back to the Hero HQ a few miles away, he took a glance back at the place that the child had turned round the sharp corner away from the encounter that had taken place.

'Who was that kid?'

The thought bounced around his head for the rest of the night and if he seemed more tired than usual in the morning, neither George nor Sapnap mentioned it.

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