Psycho Red/Virgil x Noelle(My OC)

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Power Rangers in Space! Or the Song, I just own my OC Noelle!


I didn't know how it happened, or why I let it happen but I have fallen for my best friend's enemy! I never attended to do such a thing to my friends, but...I don't know why but something about him called out to my heart. I tried to stop thinking such thoughts as I worked, gave my friends their food and drinks, and sang in my apartment as I cooked. Nothing seems to get his handsome face out of my thoughts, not even my dreams weren't safe of his handsome face and amazing piercing dark eyes that felt like he was calling to me, begging me to come to him. 

Shaking those sudden thoughts from my mind, I went back to handing people their orders with no focus always tripping, and spilling drinks and food on people. (Sorry Bulk and Skull!) Seeing my friends enter the Surf Spot, I was happy but I felt guilty that I'm in love with the bad guy that used to be obsessed with killing the Rangers, especially Andros since he is the red ranger. 

I can tell they notice my weird behavior lately, I lack the bright smile I use to give them and everyone else. I've been feeling too much guilt I've become depressed. I can't just up and tell them 'Oh! Hi guys! Oh yeah, also. I love your enemy Psycho Red!' Yeah...they will HATE me- wait did I just say I 'love him'!? 

"Noelle? Planet Earth to, Noelle~."

I snap out of my thoughts to see Ashley waving her hand in front of my face, blushing at being caught daydreaming...again! 

"S-sorry, I was thinking o-of the things I have to do." I stuttered out lying, I cringe on the inside realizing I JUST lied to my friends! It left a sour taste in my mouth, but I was more scared of them hating me for the truth.

"Ok? Anyway are you going to eat with us today?"

I happily nodded, but not as happy as before I found out the truth behind Virgil.

Confused? Well, one day I was attacked by Quantrons, they wanted me for some reason until Virgil showed up kicking their butts. Until they kicked him to fly close by where I ran to hide after he shouted at me to do. A red-like aura surrounded his whole body and in a flash of red, he Morphed into Psycho Red!! I never confronted him about it, not even my friends who are the Space Rangers. But I still hang out with him, not caring but when the Rangers found out about Virgil being Psycho Red, they forbid me to see him anymore cause he's 'dangerous'. I was pissed at them for telling me what I can or can not do, but I didn't want to lose them or Virgil.

It's tearing me apart, I don't know how long my heart can take it being away from the one person I love. So the two months that went by of not being with him, I randomly wrote a song. I enjoy singing even rarely writing down lyrics, but in this one song, I wrote lyrics about me dreaming of the one person I love. So I shyly ask Adele if I could sing in her place, she was happy to move things around to make a good enough room for a small stage for me, and someone to bring in their piano. I secretly had Alpha help me find out where Virgil always stays, which was not far from Surf Spot so I slide a short note to meet me at Surf Spot cause it was very important for him to show up.

So here I was getting ready, and people were showing up getting food, and drinks for the show. I wring my hands nervously, I don't see him yet feeling sad, and was about to leave but Cassie and Ashley push me back to the small stage where the mic stand was ready for me. Gulping, I cleared my throat.

"E-excuse?" I spoke through the mic in front of me, and everyone stopped chatting and stared at me making me more nervous. "I-I would like"

I look at the entrance door to see Virgil stepping in hands in his black leather jacket pockets, he was looking around. Feeling brave, I took a breath in and out smiling brightly keeping my eyes on him.

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