Quotidian Life - Albedo

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Another quiet morning. The sounds of birds chirping outside the workshop window had been the only thing breaking the silence as Albedo continued with his unfinished experiment.

Like always, he had remained in the workshop since morning, surrounded by flasks and beakers containing a variety of colorful chemicals and substances.

"Hmm. Although the solution is considered as an atypical one, it should do nicely." An electro crystal laid in front of him on the main table, occasionally sparking with purple bolts which had hampered his testing greatly.

A few days ago, he had been given a rather interesting request from Marjorie, owner of With Wind Comes Glory. She had been thinking of creating a set of jewelry made using Electro crystals replacing usual gemstones. But of course, it was a rather dangerous idea because of the electro energy within the crystals.

His solution for this was to create a thin unnoticeable coat around the stones, acting as a barrier to prevent the crystals from releasing small bolts of electricity.

"Coating the crystals with geo slime condensate will do nicely." He concluded while applying the liquid, placing the finished products inside the box that Marjorie had given him.

The box itself wasn't anything special, just a normal cubical container made out of wood. Inside was some scrap paper repurposed as cushioning for the fragile and volatile Electro crystals.

A small part of him wondered as to why the container given to him was of such low quality but figured that it is made purely made for storage purposes. Making the box all fancy would simply waste time and Mora.

Just as he had sealed the box with the lid, the door to the workshop slammed open and caused him to jolt. Albedo turned to see a rather distressed Sucrose, holding her clipboard close to her chest as she panted from clear exhaustion.

"Sucrose?" He blinked in confusion as she ushered into the room in a haggard fashion. "M-Mr. Albedo..." She called out while panting so much, leaning on her knees. "What happened?" He frowned while getting her seated on one of the chairs nearby.

"A disaster has occurred..." She says in the midst of catching her breath, making her superior even more confused. "It all began when I gave Ms. Eula the cloaking device... But I..." She stopped at the sight of Albedo raising his palm.

"Sucrose. Don't rush. Tell me everything from start to finish." He instructed before handing her a cup of water.

She nodded and brought it up to her lips before drinking almost half of the cup's contents, before finishing it off with a sigh of bliss. "Earlier this morning, I gave my new invention to Ms. Eula for testing, since she will be leaving for a scouting mission. While I was explaining how to use it to her, I... Slipped my tongue and accidentally skipped out a few points in the instructions..."

Albedo huffed as he could only imagine what could've happened to Eula. Thankfully, Sucrose didn't hand over her new creation to a newbie, as the potential result could have been a disaster. "And how is Eula now?" He asked the million Mora question.

Sucrose gulped in nervousness, beginning to sweat profusely. "I... Uhm... She gave me an earful after she had returned from her mission, but... Then she just left without another word." Her answer was a meek one.

"Anyways, I think you should stay clear of her for now. If Eula were to catch her eyes on you, her anger would have a chance of resurfacing." Though he wasn't too concerned regarding the Spindrift Knight's temper, due to how well-mannered she is, it's still a safe and morally correct option to not try to anger her anymore.

"Y-Yes, Mr. Albedo.." He inwardly sighed and turned from his assistant to focus on his work. Still giving him the formalities it seems.

"While you're here, could you do me a favour and bring this box to Marjorie at the town square? Tell her that it was the order she had placed for me four days ago." Albedo nonchalantly handed it over to his assistant, while noting the mess he had made on his workshop table. He really needs to clean up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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