Chapter 1: Run

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The alarm blares in the background, Samantha wakes up and shuts it off as her mom walks in

Mrs. Stevenson: Good Morning Kiddo! Happy Birthday!

Samanthia: (mumbles) Thanks Mom! Really you didn't need to make a big deal of my birthday. I'm just turning eighteen

Mrs. Stevenson: Sam! You don't know how special your birthday really is. I also have to tell you something, well your dad and I have to tell you something but after school okay? Birthday Surprise!

Samanthia: Okay, whatever you say, Mom! I'm gonna get ready for school okay?

Mrs. Stevenson: We will be downstairs waiting for you, okay?

Samantha: Cool!

(Mrs. Stevenson walks out and closes the door behind her, looking up at the ceiling but she knows her sister can hear her)

Mrs. Stevenson: We are keeping our promise, Astoria! I promise to get your daughter back to you. I just wish I could have told her sooner.

(Tears form in Mrs. Stevenson's eyes. Samantha's bedroom door opens suddenly and Sam gets worried seeing Mrs. Stevenson in tears)

Samantha: Okay, I know I'm turning 18 and it's my birthday, bur for Astoria's sake, crying about it is a little too far there Mom.

Mrs. Stevenson: (gasps) You know about Astoria.

Samantha: I would hope so, we are learning about legends and goddesses in history class. Like the myth about her daughter being sent to earth to be saved from evil forces that are trying to take the powers the teen girl possesses. I think the teachers have officially fallen off their rockers, Mom!

Mrs. Stevenson: (tears falling from her eyes) Sam, you don't know how true that legend is, trust me I should know.

Sam: Oh no! Mom, please don't tell me you have sunken that far too.

Mrs. Stevenson: Here, we will talk about it after school. Have a good day, kiddo!

(Samantha goes off to school and when she arrives, no one is around except her best friend, Dylan)

Samantha: Hey Dylan! Where is everyone? Don't we have classes today?

Dylan: (looks up and smiles at Sam) Hey Samantha! No, classes got canceled so we just get to have a chill day. Also, Happy Birthday, Princess Samantha!

Samantha: Okay, what is up? Everyone is being really weird today. I mean you always call me Princess Samantha on my birthday but the past you years you have called me it for a week before my birthday. Can you please tell me what is going on? Do you know what my parents are going to talk to me about later after school? Can you tell me?

Dylan: Wow, slow down! Unfortunately Mrs. Stevenson made me promise not to tell you anything until tonight. Also, on a positive note, I will be there tonight to help you understand the information you are about to receive.

Samantha: Okay, you always make my birthday sound like a mystery. Let's go! Schools over and I did arrive late anyway.

Dylan: That is true! You aren't really good at time management.

Samantha: Hey! Way to make me feel better!

Dylan:You know I'm just kidding!

Samantha: (laughing) I know, Come on, Let's go!

(They start walking to the Stevenson's house, but as they're walking, Samantha notices a guy and a girl following them in what looked like warrior armor)

Samantha: (whispers) Dylan! We are being followed.

(Dylan looks behind them and sees his two older siblings, the Prince and Princess of Hell)

Dylan: (shouting) SAMANTHA! RUN RUN RUN!


(As they are running vines encase around Dylan siblings. Samantha and Dylan quit running, and Dylan realizes it's Sam that cased the vines to encase his siblings)

Dylan: Samantha, are you upset, scared, or feeling protective right now?

Samantha: Yes, all three! Why?

Dylan: (under his breath) you're powers kicked in!

Samantha: what?

Dylan: Go home, Samantha! I will be there shortly

Samantha: Dylan, wh--

Dylan: Go!

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