The silly funny day

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Wilbur woke up and decided that he wants to swim. He felt like a fish on land. Wilbur called one of his friends to go with him, Tommy. Wilbur then started packing his beach stuff and ate his breakfast, After eating his breakfast Wilbur went inside a taxi and the taxi went to Tommy's house and then to the beach. It was all going well. They were eating and chatting and making sandcastles. Until, Wilbur decided to go swim. While Wilbur was inside the water, he remembered that he can't swim. Wilbur started splashing around, calling Tommy, screaming "Girl help me!" "Girl help I can't swim!" "I can't ducking swim!" Wilbur was about to drown. A man with goggles on his eyes showed up, he had brown silky hair, beautiful smile and pretty brown eyes. He then saw Wilbur, and saved him. Wilbur shouted "GEORGE!!" but who could George be? Is "George" that handsome guy that saved Wilbur? Yes. Yes indeed George is that guy. Tommy was standing there, admiring the handsome George. Wilbur then, picked up Tommy, and threw him in the sea. Turns out, Tommy can swim!! Tommy made it back on the surface and started crying, he lost his Gucci bracelet. George tried to calm Tommy down by telling him that they will buy him another Gucci bracelet. And he succeeded, Tommy calmed down and they all went to buy ice cream. They all went to Wilburs house and started a livestream together. But George never actually bought Tommy the Gucci bracelet, it was a lie. But Tommy forgot about that so it didn't matter. They all went back home and left Wilbur alone. Wilbur saw something, something strange. It started glowing from outside his window, but Wilbur was too tired to check it out. Wilbur then went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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