Lost In The Memory

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Originally Written: March 2021

Revised / Published: August 7th, 2022

This is a song I wrote around an early 2021, when I thought I was going to be writing a folklore inspired fanfic, which was mainly in August's pov. Obviously, I never got around to writing further, but I did write a song based off it.

This is my interpretation of what August felt when James left her for Betty. As a Leo and August bby, I've always resonated and related to August and the song was instantly my favorite when folklore was released. I've never been anyone's first choice either and constantly pushed aside when I fail to lure their interests.

I like to say I'm an August girl all the way 🙌

Seriously, if you disrespect her in your folklore love triangle book I'll come at you, because she deserves better. In my mind, August and Betty end up together and James has no one. Oh, To Be So Lonely. 

On to the lyrics ofc :)


The water rushes through my veins

In quite an erratic rush

The adrenaline flow never to stop

Even if I chose to pause

Your touch is one that'll cause all sanity to vanish

Until the next day

You perceive me as some mistake

You made when you weren't thinking right

As if our love never happened

Yet I recall all the times

I lay in your bed, warped in bedsheets

And believing you were mine


I'll deal with the afflictions of my actions

When I thought I had it, turns out you were just acting

For a while I felt worthy of someone's loving

And all due to your menacing affection

When jn reality, all I'll ever be

Is a sinking ship lost in the memory


I've always wanted to be someone

And make some grand impression

My gullible belief really got the best of me

Didn't our shores erupt in infedility?

You never once told me about Betty

For once, I believed something 'good' to be

I conceived I got the guy

Naive enough to think 

You were the love of my life

Until I watched you leave

And that's when it hit me

You never did love me

You only used me to infatuate jealousy

But it backfired

Like your summer days spent in Tennesse

You chose to let it all prespire

So when you returned to New York City

You poured the blame on my oblivious being

I really thought you loved me


I'll deal with the afflictions of my actions

When I thought I had it, turns out you were just acting

For a while I felt worthy of someone's loving

And all due to your menacing affection

When jn reality, all I'll ever be

Is a sinking ship lost in the memory


Forever forsaken, through your eyes

It's all my fault, ain't it?

I think you're mistaken

You were prospering in blight

When you caught me in vacant sight

All your claims tint as bullshit

When you beg to her

Do you know you sound like an idiot?

The waves kept on rushing

And the lies continue to erode

I allowed you to steer the wheel

 And be in command

I gave you my love, my trust

And you messed it all up

Soon enough, our ship flowed in a flood

And I was covered in blood you caused


I'll deal with the afflictions of my actions

When I thought I had it, turns out you were just acting

For a while I felt worthy of someone's loving

And all due to your menacing affection

When in reality, all I'll ever be 

Is a sinking ship lost in the memory


I really thought you loved me

But you never did you?

𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟑𝐭𝐡 ( 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 '𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕')Where stories live. Discover now