Why Did It Have To Happen Again..~Character Death~

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(Alright now that the fluffy chapters over it's time to make you all hate me and make you all cry including myself✨!! Soooooo this takes place when Wukong went to got fight LBD by himself except she had Macaque there and..I'll show you where this goes..also there's probably some spelling errors so yeah-)

Third Person POV:

There they were, the Lady Bone Demon was grinning to herself as she knew her plan, she knew it would work. Wukong stood there glaring at the Demon that he should had finished long ago, but instead he let the Great Monk spare her, and that was a mistake. "Sun Wukong...you know my Champion..right?" LBD said with a smirk as the Mayor emerged from the blue Fog holding Macaque by his throat, the Great Sage saw the shadow monkey struggle to get out of the others grip and this sight angered the

King. "Let Him Go.." Wukong said as he tightened fists, the Mayor laughed and summoned a portal behind Macaque. The Great Sage didn't know what that portal meant but the six eared Monkey did, Macaque started to struggle, kick, punch, he did anything to get out of the Mayor's grip but it failed. Tears started to flow down the Shadow Monkeys cheeks as he turned to look at his former friend who looked confused, frightened, and angered. "My Champion..this time I will lend you all my power..and we

shall end this foolish world together and Great something better.." LBD said with a devilish smile as the Demon left the Hosts body, the small child fell and grunted in pain before a shadow portal and she fell in. "Don't You Even Think About It You Witch!!" Wukong yelled in anger as he flew himself towards the Demon who simply floated down behind Macaque causing the Peach haired Monkey to stop in place, Macaque was still looking with at Wukong, with a small sad smile Macaque said something

that shocked the Great Sage. "I forgive you Peaches.." and with that, Macaque was possessed by the Lady Bone Demon shocking the Monkey as the Mayor disappeared in the blue fog, the now possessed Macaque started to laugh as all his Glamours fell showing the real Macaque. Wukong's eyes widened to see his former friend possessed by this Lady Bone Witch, small tears started to form in the corners of the King's eyes causing the possessed shadow monkey to laugh. "Oh poor Sun

Wukong...seeing his former friend get possessed~...but that makes the question..why do you care?" Wukong growled before leaping into action and began to fight the Lady Bone Demon.

~Time Skip To Where Sun Wukong and LBD Are Fighting And Wukong Just Knocked Down Mayor To Ne Zha&Mk~ ------------------------------


Me and Ne Zha were watching Monkey King fight the Lady Bone Demon or well..Macaque but still!! Me and Ne Zha both started to panic as we just saw the Mayor get one-punched down causing a small crater around him, I could tell that Monkey King was angry so he actually might hurt Macaque..I quickly turned to Ne Zha who still seemed shocked at this sight. "Ne Zha!! Can't you like..fly or something!?" I asked quickly, Ne Zha stood still for a moment before shaking his head and turning to me. "Yea..Yes I

can!! Hold on to my staff child." Ne Zha said as he held his staff between himself an I, I glared at him for a moment before grabbing his staff. "Actually I'm not a child, I'm twenty- AHHHH!!!" Ne Zha quickly flew into the air and I clutched onto his staff for dear life, and we soon made it ontop of the mega-zorg to see Monkey King had the Possessed Macaque pinned to a wall of ice ready to kill LBD. The Possessed Macaque growled and raised his arms up so me and Ne Zha quickly ran over and

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