Sticky Situation

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"Hey, Snerz!", a guard yelled through the bars at his cell.

"What?", he answered in an irritated voice.

"Someone sent you something."

Snerz turns around to notice a package in the guard's hand. He gets up and takes it. "What is it?"

"No clue. Enjoy." The guard walks away.

Snerz eyes the box in front of him. "Hmm, just in time for the holidays. It better not be from Mother."

He opens it and finds a cake inside. He raises an eyebrow. "Really? Well, can't complain about a free sweet." Unfortunately, knives are out of bounds for prisoners lest they be used as weapons.

Then he finds a note at the bottom of the box.


Don't cut into this while in your cell. This is a fake cake filled with Goo-Lacka-Goo. Wait until nightfall. I'll be waiting outside the window to free you

Signed, Phillip

"Goo-Lacka-Goo? Is he crazy?"


Later that evening, Snerz lay on his bed waiting for Phillip to get his escape plan into action. The guards had called lights out. Snerz didn't need to be told that twice. Even he knew that Goo-Lacka-Goo was attracted to the hottest thing in the room. He could only hope that it didn't pop out of that cake too soon.

Then there was the sound of helicopter blades getting closer. Snerz looked out his window and noticed Phillip Trousers using his necktie rotor flyer.

"Did you cut it yet?", he asked in a harsh whisper.

"No. What do you intend to do?"

Just then, another person flew in with a necktie just like Phillip's. He had vibrant red hair and a scar running across his cheek and the bridge of his nose, just missing his eye.

"Who are you?", Snerz asked.

"Kyler Twotymer, Mr. Snerz. At your service", he said. He then got to work welding the bars apart, occasionally pausing to look out for guards. Phillip wasn't really helping in that regard. He was too busy flossing the food out of his teeth using his fingernail.

The welding torch was starting to attract the Goo-Lacka-Goo in the cake because it was rumbling on the table. Snerz looked over his shoulder, noticing this. "Hurry!"

" it!" Kyler pulls the bars away and throws them down. He pulls a knife out of his jacket arsenal and hands it to Snerz, hilt first. "Cut the cake and run to the window as fast as possible!"

Snerz takes the knife and walks over to the cake. He pokes the confection lightly. A thin layer of goo sprays out of the puncture hole. He then rams the knife in and runs to the window. "All right! I did it!"

Kyler tosses him a necktie. "Put this on and follow us!"


The next day, the prison had Goo-Lacka-Goo oozing out of every window and door like an overfilled jelly doughnut. News vans had to stop a hundred feet away from the site to avoid getting caught in the mess while firefighters and chemists tried to keep the goo at bay.

Meanwhile, Snerz, Phillip and Kyler had set up base in an abandoned house ten miles outside of Glurfsburg.

"Thanks again, you two", Snerz said, swallowing his pride long enough to make a genuine thank you.

"No problem", Kyler said. "Phillip explained the whole plan where you intend to get back at Sam-I-Am."

"How did you find him anyway?", Snerz asked turning to Phillip.

"Oh, I went into this wretched hive of baddies and told my story. They all thought I was crazy, but when I said the last name, I-Am, that caught Twotymer's attention and he wanted in. So I accepted him."

"Yep. Then we set up a little HQ in my old house", Kyler finished.

"One more thing. How do you know the name 'I-Am'", Snerz asked.

A smug grin formed on Kyler's face. "I was once asked to take out someone with that name. His wife was livid with me. She was so pathetic."

Phillip then asked, "Did you know his wife's name, by any chance?"

"No. Just his."

"Well I knew his wife. Her name was Pam-I-Am. Guess we have two common enemies now."


For the next three days, the trio of villains drove through Glurfsburg undercover, hoping to catch Sam, Pam or anyone they knew and hopefully get a solid plan formulated.

Then one evening, they followed Sam to a house in the suburbs of town. It was the Weebie-Am-I house. Guy and Michellee were setting up decorations outside while Sam was both helping E.B. set up indoor decor and looking after Guy Jr.

"So, Michellee's now a mother of two", Snerz commented.

"You know that woman?", Phillip asked.

"Of course. She's a former employee of mine." He scanned over the lights and tinsel the couple were putting on the porch and around the windows. "I think I have an idea..."

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