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**Might change based on my game play and my thoughts on the story, as well other people's opinion! Feel free to comment to give feedback!!^^ **

There was light and there was darkness. Light was consumed by an evil darkness. Until six Elders came. They stood up against the dark creatures and terrifying dark plants that took over every corner of the world. The first elder ; a hunched elderly figure clutching a staff. The second elder ; with a large figure that is firm yet had a gentle air about him. The third elder ; a tall and slim figure, she carried a deadly air about her with her stern gaze through her cracked mask, along with her flowing white locks. The fourth elder ; to be more exact the two twins. Both had been saved by the third elder and raised by her, they were extremely skilled in martial arts and use of weapons specifically pole arms. The fifth elder ; an intimidating figure with broad shoulders. He held a spear together with a shield. Last but not least the sixth elder ; a wise lady with a large crown attached to her shawl which wrapped around her head.

The elders settled down eventually after the Dark War with each elder splitting up lands for themselves. Peace and harmony reign for decades until the mysterious darkness came back, once more covering the land slowly in darkness. It was said that it had erupted on the once ancient mountain that was sealed by the sixth elder who dwells in the vault.

Ever since then a prophecy had been written.

"It was said that a light will descend down from the stars, that light will be the chosen one who will break this dark reign once more and for good this time."

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