Moving to Doncaster (Yungblud's home town)

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Description about how you landed here:You always lived in Australia,you for sure loved living in Australia,it was the home of nature and culture,it was most known for Blue Mountains National Park and so much more,until your mom has given you news about getting a job promotion,which was located in Doncaster,you were devastated,it meant you had to move away from your close friends and amazing family members you wished for anything but this,but it was not worth fighting for,your mom already accepted the job and had boarded plan tickets for friday meaning two days away from now,you had to pack to get ready on such short notice,be prepared for what life brings along the way.

-Takes place on wednesday

Mom:Aren't you excited to be moving??? I know I am!
Y/N:Not really...i've spent most of my life here and made memories with family and friends...
Mom:Don't worry you'll make friends in Doncaster!
Y/N:And what about our family?...
Mom:We can make a new one
Y/N:You really don't get it don't you??? You've only always cared about your job and yourself!
Mom:I'm sorry...ever since your father l-
Y/N:Stop it with the ever since your father left bullsh*t! he left because of you and you know it!
Mom:That's no way to be speaking to your mother Y/N!
Y/N:I don't care...I wish dad took me with him...*You go upstairs to start packing*
Y/N:It's always about her! Always always always! *You pack a few of your clothes into boxes* I know i've said I wanted to move to Doncaster but not like this...

-Description about you:You had always wanted to visit Doncaster or live in it as a kid,it was your dream to do so,but not when you're 23 still in college having to pay it yourself,andnow you're panicked about having to go to a whole new school.

Y/N:I'm done i'll finish packing my last few items tommorow...i'm tired *You change into your pajamas and go to bed*

~This takes place on Thursday~
-The next morning:
Mom:*Walks into your room*You almost packed?
Y/N:Yes mom...just a few stuff then i'm finished...
Mom:Good,our flight takes off tommorow morning at 11. *walks out your room*
Y/N:*You grown as you get up*Should I even go to work today?...wait stop Henry works there you have to...*You get up to get dressed,you carry your uniform with you to return it*
~At your old job~
*You spot Henry with coffee stains on his apron wishing that could've still been you*
Henry:Welcome to 'The Joint' what can I get you?
Y/N:Hello to you too Henry...
Henry:why the sad face and attitude? *He looks down and up at you realizing your uniform's in your arms instead of it being worn on you* It's happening?
Y/ can you do me a favor and hand this in for me?...
Henry:Yeah sure...*tries holding in his emotions*ah...can I please hug you?
Y/N:Sure...*You walk to him with open arms*
Henry:*He pulls you in tightly to hug you*Alright...soi'll visit you then
Y/N:Alright see you soon Henry
Henry:See you...
Y/N:*You head out the coffee shop and drive home*I'm tired...and looking at this place gets deppressing...*You get out the pajamas you left out for yourself and put them on*
~The Next Morning~
Mom:Cmon get up we gotta get going,the car will arrive in about an hour *She proceeds to walk out your room*
Y/N:*you check the time with your unbothered for 10 hours eyes* alright so it'll arrive at 10...*You get up to get dressed in a dark yet not so gloomy outfit,you add pink socks and creepers thinking it looks fun and bright for this un-lit day*
~40 minutes later~
Mom:The car's here let's go,our items are already getting shipped to our new address
Y/N:Ok mom,so basically just grab the suitcase and go? got it.
Mom:*Gives you the stink eye and walks out the front door*
Y/N:*You grab your suitcase and head out to the car*
~At the airport~
Mom:Alright our flight's at D-8
Y/N:*You follow besides your mom to the gate*
???:Hello Ms/Mr?
???:Yesi'm sorry to bother you I just really need your help
Y/N:*You notice your mom walking away but with noticing you stillhave about 30 mninutes to kill,you stay put to help ???* what do you need help with sir?
???:Haha,i'm looking for the flight to Doncaster,if you have any idea where that is?
Y/N:Actually yes that's where i'm headed to aswell follow me
???:Ah sweet,by the way these are my buds Adam and Tom!
Y/N:Hello Adam and Tom!

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