A Greeting To The Stars

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Hey Logan, it's me.
You haven't been gone for that
long, but I miss you.
It's lonely down here without you.


"-and that one right there is Scorpius, like the Zodiac sign." Roman pointed up at the night sky. Logan's sign, he hadn't failed to notice.

"Isn't the sign Scorpio?" Logan asked him.

"Well, it's both actually."

"Huh. interesting, I wasn't aware of that." Logan was very much aware, he just enjoyed Roman's enthusiasm when it came to teaching him new things. His face always lit up and his eyes would twinkle brighter than the stars in the sky, it was objectively adorable.

"Well now you do! And right there next to it is Sagittarius." He made a gesture that could both point at everything and nothing. Precision was never his strong suit, hence why he never got the best scores on oral exams back when they were in university.

"I do recognize that one. Isn't it fascinating how our ancestors saw such intricate designs in nothing but glowing dots in the night sky? I'm really not getting further than a bow without a string and a broken arrow." Logan was not bad at spatial awareness, on the contrary, it was one of his strengths, yet those stars remained a mystery that intrigued him. And if part of his interest was because of Roman, who would judge him on that?

"Yeah, I'm really not seeing a centaur either... Well, those could be legs..." Once again a vague gesture upwards. "But the rest..."

"Well maybe they were different all those years ago. Stars birth and die too." 'Not in this short window of time' his brain supplied, but he put reason aside for a second. Those stars were mostly dead anyway, so did it really matter?

"I suppose so." And that was all that had to be said.


I remember you sayıng to keep
talkıng as if you were still
right here next to me, but it's


Contrary to what Roman's general eccentric and impulsive behavior suggested, he was actually a very careful driver. There usually is nothing to worry about with him behind the steering wheel. And there wouldn't have been a worry in the world if it weren't for the other driver.

Roman and Logan were on their way back home from the camping site they had spent the weekend together, driving down a narrow forest lane. It was slowly getting darker, but not too dark to see: Everything was under control.

Then: rapidly approaching headlights. A reckless driver, quite probably drunk, judging by the way the vehicle swayed from side to side. There was no passing peacefully or unscathed, and the other car only seemed to accelerate. It would not stop for them, as much was clear.

At this rate they'd crash head-on.

Roman was frozen in the driver's seat, as much was clear to Logan at a glance. He knew Roman was not very dependable in emergency situations, since he had difficulty keeping calm in the face of danger, so he decided to take fate in his own hands. He grabbed the steering wheel and yanked firmly, forcing the car to leave the road.

And everything went downhill from there.


The road was elevated, something Logan hadn't quite taken into consideration. Everyone and their mother knows it's better to crash into a still object, like a tree, than an approaching one, like the car. That, however, was only true if the car moved at the same speed in both cases.

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