Slime Time

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   The call of adventure is not an easy one to dismiss. The potential for fame, money, and loot drives many of even the simplest folk to rid the land of monsters that have been terrorizing its inhabitants. Lyn the pink cow is one of these adventures. Having picked up a bow and some cheap armor, she's set up to go on a very special quest. For the past few months the city she's in, the city of Woodvale, has been ravaged by a plague of gelatinous beings known as slimes. These bright blue blemishes act like locusts, devouring all of the towns grain they can absorb into their bubbling bodies. If Lyn can't do this, the whole town could be in danger.

   The entrance to the cave is a small one. It's hard to believe the towns plague has been coming entirely from this dank rock formation. Lyn wastes no time lighting a torch and slowly marching her way through the dark, wet cave. Her senses are peaked as every little drip in the cave could be a potential enemy. It's not until the otherwhelming scent of blueberries fills the air though does Lyn have her first encounter with one of the simple beasts. It's melon sized body glowing faintly and slowly fizzing away. Lyn pulls her bow out, placing an arrow into its shelf before slowly drawing the string back, pulling the arrow to her ample chest as the string audibly tightens. She let's out a single breath in time with firing her arrow, only for it to get stuck in the beast!

   Lyn quickly reaches back into her quiver to reload before doing the same thing again, only for the same result. Soon it's three more arrows, thwip thwip thwip, but not a single one even deters the slime's advance towards the cow. Before long it attaches itself to the boot, it must be planning to eat her! She quickly attempts to shake the creature off, only for it to shrug it all off to slowly creep up her thick, pink and ivory thighs, much to Lyn's dismay. She can't stop the creature from crawling under her armor to reach her face, the cold monster causing her to shiver as it goes over her chest. In just a few agonizingly cold minutes the creature has made it to Lyn's muzzle, she can only assume the monster means to suffocate her! She let's loose a frustrated yell before going to try to swipe the creature off her muzzle, only for the slime to suddenly shove itself into her mouth!

   Lyn can only drink in horror as the creature slowly starts to fill her stomach, the suddenly stuffed organ making its complaints known with the sound of loud growls and bubbles popping in her stomach. Lyn can already tell this thing isn't going to sit well in her overtaxed stomach before it finally shoves the last of its liquideous form down her gullet, finally letting her breathe properly again. She can't help but to let loose a monstrous BEEEEEEELLLLLCH as she rubs a hand on her over stuffed belly before slowly waddling deeper into the cave before yet another slime jumps onto the cows back, causing her to almost fall forward onto her stomach before she rights herself. She doesn't even get a chance to react before the second slime forces itself down her throat, making her armor painfully tight around her belly, prompting her to take it off to save the discomfort. Obviously neither it nor her bow are going to do much against this foe.

   Deep roars echo throughout the cave, scaring away all but the slimes who come to investigate what's causing their home to shake more than they do. Their curiosity is met with the vision of Lyn and her monstrous, monster filled gut. Every so often it roars out again before a sudden belch forces its way out of the cows plump lips. It seems every part of her is already getting thicker, from her rounded cheeks to her pale white and pink chest and hips that have each doubled in size, making the narrow cave even more narrow as she waddles through. That is until another wretched, blueberry flavored fiend jumps onto her belly, the sudden spike in pressure causing pressure to explode from the cows copies rear in a loud, trumpeting blast, causing her whole face to flush the same pink as her spots before the slime forces its way past her lips, causing the pressure to mount within the bovine's gut even further before she can't even stand anymore.

   With a sound akin to a yoga ball filled water hitting the ground, Lyn smashed her weight onto the ground belly first, causing loud eruptions from both her rear and mouth. She can't help but blush and struggle in order to get up, only for her efforts to be in complete vain as she sees not one, not two, but ten of those horrid beasts come crawling towards our curvaceous cow. This must have been their plan all along. To fill our heroine with so much slime she bursts into pink and white confetti. Wait minute, they're sliding under her. The beasts gently righting Lyn till she's sitting her immense behind on a bed of cool slime. Lyn can only sit there and think of what horrible things these beasts plan with her. They've already made her stomach dreadfully upset. Loud groans and even louder belches and farts are the only sound blasting through the cave walls. The next three hours are dreadfully quiet. So much so our heroine couldn't but battle with the sweet calls of sleep. Only winning her battle against the gods of sleep when she's brought to a brightly lit cave, causing her to squint her eyes before they focus on something new. Something dangerous. The Queen.

"Oh you did so wonderfully, sweeties~ You've brought me one of the cutest pets I've ever seen~" Says the queen, her hugely curvaceous, gelatinous blue body glistening within the little bit of sunlight shining in through a crack in the cave ceiling. Lyn can only stare with a bit of a blush at the beast's queen before a cool, slimey hand is suddenly placed on her huge, taut orb of a stomach.
"Awww, they packed you full, huh darling? Why don't I help you relieve the upset feeling in your belly, hmm?~" Lyn doesn't get a chance to ask what she means by that before the slimey hand suddenly starts rubbing circles on the cows overstuffed belly, the pressure of which makes it where Lyn can't even two 3 words with gas escaping from both ends of her body.
"I think you're exactly what my slimes have been looking for~ I think once we feed you enough to turn you into my personal throne you'll have a wonderful time~" Says the queen. Lyn can't even fight back at the queens advances, she's too lost in the ecstacy being caused by the slime queens firm yet gentle touch. It seems Lyn has finally figured out what the beasts' intentions were this entire time. And you know what? She's pretty okay with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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