[Chapter 0]

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Several animals took advantage of what little heat was left, and came out of their burrows to gather their food and prepare for winter.

The most striking feature of that place are the colorful trees, with orange and yellow colors, making the place strangely beautiful.

"Welcome to Autumn." A simple wooden sign welcomed any outsider who came to this place.

"'Welcome to Autumn', what kind of town is called 'Autumn'?!" You asked yourself rhetorically as you crouched down so you could better see the sign.

"I don't remember anything like that..." Actually, you don't remember anything.

The last thing you remember was waking up in a bed of dry leaves.
At that moment you were wearing a typical outfit: reddish sneakers (generic brand), jeans and a totally black t-shirt.
But the most interesting thing about that "outif" was the mustard colored raincoat. You felt like that thing shouldn't be there, but it was there... And you wouldn't take your clothes off (for obvious reasons).

Well, on the bright side... this raincoat suits 'Autumn' a lot, and at least I'm warm. You smiled at those thoughts, panicking won't do you any good.

Maybe that was your home and you had forgotten about it, that is: just find someone who knows you and everything is solved.

It will all be resolved...

You stood up and looked at the sign one last time, then continued forward with a determined look.

Your steps are slow and calm, something that suited the calming atmosphere of the place.

You didn't want to worry too much now, your goal is simple: keep going until you find something.

That's not the best plan, but you'd expect to find more signs indicating paths, so you might think about where to go.

It's been a few minutes and you haven't found anything useful, just a candy wrapper and a small piece of bread on the floor.

You took the opportunity to take the piece of bread and put it in the pocket of your jeans. It's not the most hygienic act, but the paranoia has started to set in and you don't want starve to death.

A voice echoed through the forest, some animals were startled by the sudden noise and ran to quieter places.

"Eh?" You muttered, looking around in panic, looking for any living being who might have said that.

"Here, in the shrub."

You approached to the little shrub, some of its leaves are yellowish but most are the typical green color.

You looked around for something to poke whatever it was. Your eyes found a thick branch, but small enough for anyone to carry.

You held the stick tightly and poked the shrub.

"HEY WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! And I thought question-mark was weird, by the way..."

You ignored the cursing the shrub is saying and looked inside to see what you could find. In the shrub was a sparrow, its size was medium for a bird and its appearance was typical, unfortunately the bird's wing is tangled in the thorns of the shtub... you felt pain just looking at the scene.

The only thing out of the ordinary is that the bird spoke, and did not shut up.


"That's kind of obvious, what about you? Are you a lost meat puppet?"

You can officially question your sanity.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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