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Hey authors! I know writing is a creative process, but sometimes our creative juices are all used up in our story and there's nothing left for the cover you know? Book covers are hard and what even are the dimensions for wattpad anyways? Lol


You must follow these to receive/after receiving a cover:

You must give credit in the description of your story. This is not optional. My work is only paid through exposure so please follow through with this.

Such as, "Cover by @skymorgue"

Or, "Cover credit to @skymorgue"


Your story must already be published. Making covers that never get used because authors decided not to publish is demoralizing. Please don't waste my time. :/

And lastly please use my cover for a minimum of a week after receiving. Afterwards you can change it if you please. But at least one week of use is the requirement.


My covers are free! Money wise :p

You'll need to give payment in other ways, such as:

Following my account.

Adding this book to your reading list.

And then tagging three people in this chapter who you think would use my services!

If your new to wattpad and don't know three people, then just comment that.

(Voting is optional but very cool 😎)

Below is the template you will fill out, you must answer every question.

Comment them here >

Question template:

Book title:

Author name:

Book genre:
(If fanfic please link faceclaim)

Quick summary, (your description):

Preferred color scheme:

Particular objects/themes:

If your wanting people, but don't have face claims give a brief description of your character/s:

Extra requests:

Make sure this book is in your library if you've requested one, from now on they will be posted in chapters.

Make sure this book is in your library if you've requested one, from now on they will be posted in chapters

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Happy writing!

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