Dear Arisha...

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This one is for my shadow, my sissy, my dear Arisha.

Happy 6 months Arisha!!!

6 months ago on February 6th you entered my life and it was one of the best things to ever happen to me. The first time I read your message my heart melted and I was on the verge of tears by the end of our first conversation. It didn't take time for us to form a bond, we instantly connected, like 2 long lost sisters. Your one of the closest people to me and I love you so much. We may not talk very often or chat like we used to, but always know that my love for you will only in-crease. I love you so so much and can't wait to me meet you someday. I wish the best for you and our friendship. I hope we always stay in contact and our bond doesn't ever get ruined. Love you so much Arisha!

Happy 6 months to us 🤍

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