~Chapter One~

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Young kids ran up and down the dirt roads, two boys and two girls. The town knew the older three kids were trouble, but the younger girl was nice.

You were one of those kids, Y/N Walker. Along with your best friend Jesse McCree, Ashe, and your little sister Eli Walker.

Jesse had stayed with your family, since his parents weren't in the picture, your dad saying you two were glued at the hip.

It always made your mom laugh a little, cause it was true. You and Jesse did practically everything together. Including playing games with your little group.

"Let's play robbers like last time." Ashe's voice rang out, almost happily. You had looked over and gave a upset look.

"We got in trouble last time cause you actually took things, Ashe." You had sounded annoyed, and she heard it, glaring.

"So we get in trouble, we agreed to be outlaws even when we get old!" You could hear her sound upset, and that just made you stand your ground. "We will! Just I don't want papa mad at Eli for something she didn't do again."

Ashe had looked mad, like, six year old mad. "Then she can go home! Your sister is annoying anyways."

You seen Jesse get a bit mad, finally stepping in. "She ain't annoying Ashe! Eli is fun to hang out with, so how about we play cowboys today? We can see if pa will let us use his rope for lasos!"

You had giggled and nodded, seeing Eli smile too. She was only a year younger. You were seven, Jesse was six, a couple days for seven, Ashe was six, and Eli was five. You all were pretty close friends, and maybe it was your age difference that made that.

You had looked to Ashe, seeing her fold her arms and pout, tearing up. That's the same act she gives when she wants something. Something was up.

"Can we please play robbers just once more?" You seen Jesse put his small cowboy hat on her head and smile. One tooth missing, and Ashe noticing.

"Jesse, when did you loose a tooth?!" Jesse had thought then smiled again. Putting his hands on his hips.

"Me and Y/N were playin' around rough housing, and he accidentally kicked my face. Then boom! No more tooth!"

Ashe had looked at you, clearly angry, and that made you confused, more when she punched you in the nose. And this girl was strong.

You fell back on your butt and had tears in your eyes, looking at her. Jesse had been stunned, your sister holding on to the cowboy while screaming.

Eventually your dad ran over, being in the sheriff's office. He had then knelt down, cigar in the corner of his mouth as he talked.

"What the hell happened here? What's all the screamin' about?"

You had showed him your bleeding nose, a big dark bruise on your face. It had made him get mad, standing.

"All of you, stand up and in line!"

The shuffle of small feet hitting the dirt was a quick sound, all four kids in line. You had continued to hold your nose.

"Why the hell was my son punched?"

You were about to speak, seeing Jesse just hang his head down, but Ashe spoke first, crying now as she held her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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