Freed By the Ocean Scent

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Short one shot: Distressed reader who can't sleep is comforted by Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu after the 3rd class trial.

Contains spoilers from SDR2.

Reader is Gender Neutral.

Y/N - Your Name

Y/SN - Surname

Y/HC - Your Hair colour

Y/EC - Your Eye Colour

Please enjoy<3


Y/N Y/SN was shaking after having witnessed Mikan Tsumiki, the ultimate nurse be executed. They caught themself shivering with despair. Even in a crowded room, they felt alone. The world kept spinning, as they found themself in the last place they'd want to be. They almost felt invisible. Could they even trust anyone anymore? Everyone looked distraught. They had all just seen their friend become someone else entirely. Could this happen to the rest of them? The taste of paranoia was something they all had grown all too familiar with. The students all stood there in silence, doubting each other before they each went to their cabins.

 As they laid their head upon their pillow, Y/N kept thinking things like "Why does this keep happening to us?" or "What did I do to deserve this?". They kept closing their eyes and imagined what life would've been like if it wasn't for the fucked up situation they found themself in. The thoughts kept spinning around in their head, gnawing at their mind. After what felt like hours they got up. They let their legs take them to the beach, where they sat down by the water. They put their arms around their knees and stared out at the blue, glittery ocean which reflected the shiny stars. Even when their surroundings were peaceful, they felt the despair sinking into their back. For on this island, there was no such thing as peace. If they felt hopeful, that corrupt bear, Monokuma would crush it. They sat there for a while until they felt a light tap on their shoulder.

They flinched a little as they turned around. They would've expected to see someone like Chiaki, or even Kazuichi. Who they didn't anticipate was a one eyed Yakuza. Even with his one eye, his face expressed immense worry. His eyebrows were furrowed, but his face didn't express a single ounce of anger.

"Hey Y/N, didn't expect to see you here. You don't look like you're doing too well. I actually wanted to speak with you, if you don't mind?" The Yakuza uttered in a tone of worry which matched his expression. He stood there, arms crossed, looking down at Y/N.

Their Y/EC eyes lit up as they gazed at him in surprise. He had just been through what seemed like hell, and wanted to talk to them? This almost felt like a strange fever dream, so they pinched their own thigh to find out that they were fully conscious. The stinging pain confirmed that.

He'd look away for a moment, a light pink shade tinting his face, not used to people looking at him, all puppy eyed. It was impossible to demolish what he was thinking that exact moment.

"Hey, I JUST wanna talk. You fu-" He stopped himself from insulting them as he sat down beside them. They both sat there for a few moments in awkwardness. Where would he even begin? He wasn't used to getting sentimental. His presence didn't feel cold for once, and Y/N took notice of this. Something seemed different. Was it his eye? It was like something behind it changed, almost like when the seasons change. When winter turns to spring and cold becomes warm. He let out a soft sigh.

"I guess I apologize for being a fucking jerk. No stabbing myself included this time." He said in such a sincere tone, it was almost unbelievable. Y/N didn't look at him. They didn't quite know how to react and just kept looking at the ocean.

"You don't need to say anything. I just noticed that you seem different lately. It's like you lost your soul." He expressed with a deep sigh. He almost seemed annoyed. Y/N stayed quiet. The scent of the salty ocean lingered in the air as he kept talking.

"I just don't want you to lose hope. I don't know if it counts for anything, but I thought I lost everything. You will feel like shit. I just hope you won't let it eat you up from inside. I don't want to lose more... friends." He paused at the last bit. His voice cracked a little but he quickly pulled himself together. Y/N didn't really understand why he chose to open up to them, but they knew there had to be a reason. They felt less alone. He may not have been the most open person but deep down inside, he had a warm heart.

It was quiet again, and when Y/N lifted their head, they found the Yakuza staring at them. They nervously scratched their neck as Fuyuhiko tucked one of their lose Y/HC hairstrands behind their ear. This led to their face turning beet-red. Fuyuhiko let out a small, comforting chuckle as if on impulse. Seeing them flustered like that made him feel something. As if the ice in his heart was melting. This led his own face to be tinted red.

Still blushing, Y/N finally opened their mouth.

"Thank you. I don't know when things will get better, but I will try to survive. If not for myself, for everyone else." They said, almost choking on their own words. They were on the verge of tearing up, but did their best to keep it together. They weren't used to a lot of affection.

Before they knew it, Fuyuhiko had Y/N in a tight embrace. His body felt warm against theirs. They felt whole, if only for a moment. This was the peaceful feeling they had longed for. Their hearts beat in harmony as the rest of the world became background noise. There was only them.

"Shit." Fuyuhiko said as he chuckled and slowly pulled away. With this, the world returned. The fucked up situation they found themselves in dawned upon them, but they weren't alone.

They sat together, hands intertwined. When Y/N returned to their own cabin, and went to bed later that night, they were comforted by his scent as they slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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